Editorial |
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Agradecimentos |
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Articles of research |
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| · HIV/AIDS and preventive practices for heterosexual couples Finkler, Lirene; Oliveira, Manoela Ziebell de; Gomes, William B.
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| · Adolescent patients with cystic fibrosis Rocha, Kátia Bones; Moreira, Mariana Calesso; Oliveira, Viviane Ziebell de
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| · Perception of psychology graduation students on the ethical conduct of psychologists Wachelke, João Fernando Rech; Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de; Natividade, Jean Carlos
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| · What does it mean to be a “good” psychotherapist? Souza, Márcia Michele de; Teixeira, Rita Petrarca
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| · Intellectual evaluation of school children with congenital hypothyroidism Androvandi, Cláudia; Nunes, Maria Lucia Tiellet
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Artigos de atualização |
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| · O desafio metodológico da investigação em psicologia clínica: saber interrogar-se Sastre Cifuentes, Asceneth María
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| · On psychology in the context of childhood: from psychopathology to political insertion Cruz, Lílian; Guareschi, Neuza
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