Editorial |
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Articles of research |
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| · Psychology in Family Health Program (FHP) in Natal: space to be conquered or a limit of psychological practice? Oliveira, Isabel Fernandes de; Silva, Fabiana Lima; Yamamoto, Oswaldo Hajime
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| · Early and prolonged children’s institucionalization: discussing decisive aspects for the development Cavalcante, Lília Iêda Chaves; Magalhães, Celina Maria Colino; Pontes, Fernando Augusto Ramos
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| · Inclusion Santos, Sueli Souza dos
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| · Dilemmas in preventing sexual exploitation: the images of child work Machado, Marília Novais da Mata; Silva, Júnia Carine Cardoso da
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| · Emotional intelligence and job performance in policemen: criterion validity for the MSCEIT Muniz, Monalisa; Primi, Ricardo
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| · Friendship quality: Construct Validity of McGill Questionnaires Souza, Luciana Karine de; Hutz, Claudio Simon
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Artigos de atualização |
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| · A proposal for driving phobia treatment by creating automotive virtual routes Paiva, José Gustavo de Souza; Cardoso, Alexandre; Lamounier Jr., Edgard
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| · School failure: what is it about? Psychology and education: ‘possible’ debates Heckert, Ana Lucia Coelho; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de
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| · Challenges for an epistemology of group research Nery, Maria da Penha; Costa, Liana Fortunato
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| · An abbreviation analysis of the constitution of subject based on the theories of Sartre and Vygotski Diogo, Maria Fernanda; Maheirie, Kátia
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| · About how the tutelary council practices have become jurisdictional Nascimento, Maria Lívia do; Scheinvar, Estela
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| · Who is apt?: Adoption practice and identity markers Guareschi, Neuza Maria de Fátima; Strenzel, Janaina Claudia; Bennemann, Thais
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| · Would there be a lacan’s psychoanalytical semiology? Bento, Victor Eduardo Silva
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Experience report |
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| · The psycho-social intervention in an investigative context: “Psycho-social readings on young people agrópolis - rural area -from diverse actors who intervene Peláez Romero, Martha Patricia; Cañon Ortiz, Oscar Enrique; Noreña Noreña, Nestor Mario
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Review |
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| · Síndrome de Burnout: uma doença do trabalho na sociedade de bem-estar Carlotto, Mary Sandra; Câmara, Sheila Gonçalves
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