| Table of contents Aletheia no.32 Canoas Aug. 2010 Editorial | | | | | | | Articles of research | | | | · Burnout syndrome and associated factors among health professionals: a comparative study between Brazil and Portugal Dias, Sofia; Queirós, Cristina; Carlotto, Mary Sandra
| | | | · Under crossed fire: the impact of police work on the family of policemen Derenusson, Fernando C.; Jablonski, Bernardo
| | | | · Boladão, pesadão, isso é Rio de Janeiro: notes towards organized soccer fans and criminal faction funks Ferreira, Rhaniele Sodré; Aragão, Cristal Oliveira Moniz de; Arruda, Angela
| | | | · Work support and organizational identification: a validity study Baptista, Makilim Nunes; Rueda, Fabián Javier Marin; Bartholomeu, Daniel; Pires, Sanyo Drummond; Rochael, Fernando
| | | | · Kabuki Syndrome: a case study about the behavioral, cognitive, social and speech/hearing characteristics Schoen-Ferreira, Teresa H.; Ramos, Juliana M. P.; Ávila, Maria E. B.; Dabbur, Renata R.; Lima, Thais A.; Marteleto, Márcia R. F.
| | | | · Thinking styles, personality and subjective well-being: advances and polemics Cristian, Zanon; Hutz, Claudio Simon
| | | | · Adult attachment behavior and the experience of sudden loss a loved one Basso, Lissia Ana; Marin, Angela Helena
| | | | · The human figure drawing as the representation of the maternity experience De Felice, Eliana Marcello
| | | | · Parental practices and children repertoire: characterization of the attendance demand and abandonment prediction Bolsoni-Silva, Alessandra Turini; Marturano, Edna Maria; Barbosa, Caroline Garpelli; Paiva, Mariana Marzoque de; Costa, Naiara Lima; Santos, Ludmilla Cristine
| | | | · The concept of identification in the process of the professional choice Soares, Dulce Helena Penna; Aguiar, Fernando; Guimarães, Beatriz da Fontoura
| | | | · The knots of the individualism and the conjugality in Post Modernity Vieira, Érico Douglas; Stengel, Márcia
| | | | · When the World moves the living shivers: narratives of a cartographer in her meeting with a hospital coletive Paulon, Simone Mainieri; Coelho, Débora de Moraes; Beck, Fernanda Luz
| | | Review | | | | | | |