Editorial |
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Articles of research |
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| · Parenting styles and childrearing practices of parents of children with ADHD: a pilot study Frassetto, Silvana Soriano; Bakos, Daniela Di Giorgio Schneider
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| · Experiences of life and the process of social visibility of women who loves women Palma, Yáskara Arrial; Piason, Aline da Silva; Bezerra, Ana Cláudia Menini; Strey, Marlene Neves
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| · Self-report Altruism Scale: evidences of construct validity Gouveia, Valdiney V.; Athayde, Rebecca Alves Aguiar; Gouveia, Rildésia S. V.; Gomes, Ana Isabel Araújo Silva de Brito; Souza, Roosevelt Vilar Lobo de
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| · The Beauty and the Beast: a psychological analysis of Belle's character Pires, Luísa Puricelli; Facchin, Tatiana Helena José
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| · Educational practices and coping strategies for sheltered children Batista, Giorgina Leni; Silva, Patricia Santos da; Reppold, Caroline Tozzi
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| · Evaluation of child behavior problems indicators reported by parents and teachers Pedrini, Juliana Rigon; Frizzo, Giana Bitencourt
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| · To write a life: happening (événement) and biographeme Hartmann, Sara; Fonseca, Tania Mara Galli
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| · Semantic priming in children: effects of prime-target association strength and target frequency Holderbaum, Candice Steffen; Salles, Jerusa Fumagalli de
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| · Mother-baby silent communication under winnicott's view: theoretical-clinical reflections Telles, Josiane Cristina Coradi Prado; Sei, Maíra Bonafé; Arruda, Sérgio Luiz Saboya
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Artigos de atualização |
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| · Sexual abuse in the psychoanalytical context: from oedipical phantasies to incest and trauma Malgarim, Bibiana Godoi; Benetti, Silvia Pereira da Cruz
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| · Obsessive-compulsive disorder in the different age groups Gomes, Cema Cardona; Comis, Thiago Osório; Almeida, Rosa Maria Martins de
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| · Literature review about children's development problems in school clinics in Brazil Boaz, Cristine; Nunes, Maria Lúcia Tiellet
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Experience report |
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| · Experiences of a department of psychology at a legal aid practice Cúnico, Sabrina Daiana; Mozzaquatro, Caroline de Oliveira; Arpini, Dorian Mônica; Silva, Milena Leite
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Review |
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| · O caminho da avaliação neuropsicológica Fedalto, Ana Lúcia; Hamdan, Amer Cavalheiro
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International article |
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| · Protecting coexistence in the school: a proposal of community intervention
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