Editorial |
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| Sarriera, Jorge C. |
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International article |
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| · Community health, positive health management and social determinants of health and disease Saforcada, Enrique
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| · Extravasation work-family: when working conditions contribute to maternal abusive practices? Calheiros, Maria Manuela; Lima, Maria Luísa; Silva, Carla
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Articles of research |
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| · Family violence as a risk factor for school bullying: context and possibilities for intervention Lourenço, Lélio Moura; Senra, Luciana Xavier
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| · Strengthening social networks: challenges and opportunities preventing the use of drugs in primary health care Paiva, Fernando Santana de; Costa, Pedro Henrique Antunes da; Ronzani, Telmo Mota
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| · A study on the professional´s perceptions of a service for victims of violence and sexual exploitation Albuquerque, Beatriz Mello de; Garcia, Narjara Mendes; Yunes, Maria Angela Mattar
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| · Personal well-being of parents and children and their aspirated values Sarriera, Jorge Castellá; Ximenes, Verônica Morais; Bedin, Lívia; Rodrigues, Anelise Lopes; Schütz, Fabiane Friedrich; Montserrat, Carme; Silva, Caroline Lima
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| · World assumptions and personal well-being in Brazilian adolescents Sarriera, Jorge Castellá; Favero, Eveline; Paradiso, Ângela Carina; Calza, Tiago Zanatta
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| · Psychosocial Care Centers Alcohol and Drugs and the Psychology Larentis, Chalana Piva; Maggi, Alice
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| · Lifestyles of scholastic adolescents in southern Brazil Câmara, Sheila Gonçalves; Aerts, Denise Rangel Ganzo de Castro; Alves, Gehysa Guimarães
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| · Challenges in primary care actions: a study on the installation of a program of home visiting for teenage mothers Coin-Carvalho, João Eduardo; Esposito, Fabiana Cristina Federico
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| · Empowerment processes in a Community Mental Health Movement in Northeast of Brazil: new spaces for the madness Carvalho, Maria Aparecida Alves Sobreira; Ximenes, Verônica Morais; Bosi, Maria Lúcia Magalhães
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| · The quality of education and the teacher about to collapse: the daily teaching experience from the perspective of social community psychology Freitas, Maria de Fatima Quintal de; Oliveira, Lygia Maria Portugal
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| · Corporative training, quality of life and worker health Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Silva, Rosalina Carvalho da; Gilio, Leandro
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| · Perceptions, expectations and knowledge about the normal delivery: experience reports of mothers and health professionals Pinheiro, Bruna Cardoso; Bittar, Cléria Maria Lobo
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Experience report |
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| · The group Maternar ... experience with pregnant women and health care students - UFBa Franco, Anamélia Lins e Silva
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Review |
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