Editorial |
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| Souza, Fernanda Pasquoto de; Vivian, Aline Groff |
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International article |
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| · The role of children and young people in the constitution of professional identities of educators/teachers/teacher educators Dotta, Leanete Thomas; Marta, Margarida; Soares, Rosa Ester Tártato; Matiz, Luciana
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Empirical articles |
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| · Reasons of search for psychological care in a school clinic in Porto Alegre' Metropolitan Area: documentary research Souza, Fernanda Pasquoto de; Santos, Débora de Freitas Gonçalves; Vivian, Aline Groff
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| · Family and female single parenthood under the view of women heads of household Cúnico, Sabrina Daiana; Arpini, Dorian Mônica
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| · The perception of psychodramatists and gestalt therapists about the factors that facilitates integration between their approaches Vieira, Érico Douglas; Vandenberghe, Luc
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| · Social representations of psychology and psychologist at private university of the Rondônia, Brazil Assis, Cleber Lizardo de; Matthes, Géssica Alves de Souza
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| · Drunken juggler: the alcoholic family dynamics by biases of Systemic Family Psychotherapy Zambillo, Marciana; Cenci, Cláudia Mara Bosetto
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| · Assertiveness for women's crack dependent Souza, Márcia Cristina Henrique de; Mühlen, Bruna Krimberg Von; Coelho, Leda Rúbia Maurina; Oliveira, Cristiano Pereira de; Rodrigues, Viviane Samoel; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva; Strey, Marlene Neves
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| · Treatment's dropout of substance abuse adolescents who committed an infraction Andretta, Ilana; Limberger, Jéssica; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva
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| · Adolescent sexuality: a school-based study in the city of Manaus/AM, Brazil Oliveira, Nália de Paula; Béria, Jorge Umberto; Schermann, Lígia Braun
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| · Combining clinical method and empirical research to understand dropout in psychoanalytic psychotherapy Bittencourt, Aline Alvares; Mattos, Maria Cristina Vieweger de; Bessil, Farid Rodrigues; Serralta, Fernanda Barcellos; Benetti, Silvia Pereira da Cruz
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| · Stress in adolescencents: a study with schoolars from a city in southern Brazil Schermann, Lígia Braun; Béria, Jorge Umberto; Jacob, Maria Helena Vianna Metello; Arossi, Guilherme; Benchaya, Mariana Canellas; Bisch, Nádia Krubskaya; Rieth, Sofia
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| · Self-esteem and personal care in women aged between 60 and 75 years Duridan, Aparecida; Santos, Daiane Ferreira dos; Gatti, Ana Lucia
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Theoretical Articles |
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| · Alcohol dependence and relapse: some considerations concerning decision-making Bertagnolli, Ana Cristina; Kristensen, Christian Haag; Bakos, Daniela Schneider
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| · Parental representation: conceptual basis and an instrument of assessment Mesquita, Paula Casagranda; Benetti, Sílvia Pereira da Cruz
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| · Research in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis Campezatto, Paula von Mengden; Nunes, Maria Lucia Tiellet; Silva, Milena da Rosa
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Experience report |
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| · The family follow up of a psychotic person: subjective burdens from distress Braga, Nayara Gomes; Fernandes, Nathália de Freitas Costa; Rocha, Tiago Humberto Rodrigues
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| · Sharing knowledge: report of an intervention with teachers Pozzobon, Magda; Pezzi, Fernanda Aparecida Szareski; Marin, Angela Helena
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Review |
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| · Avaliação dos comportamentos dependentes Coelho, Leda Rúbia Maurina; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva
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