Editorial |
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| Souza, Fernanda Pasquoto de; Vivian, Aline Groff |
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International article |
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| · Comparative study of the psychological experience of women carrying a twin or a singleton pregnancy Tchernoukha, Marie-Anne; Wendland, Jaqueline
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Empirical articles |
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| · From conjugality to parenting: life experiences facing planned pregnancy Cruz, Queli Simone da; Mosmann, Clarisse Pereira
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| · Exploratory study on truthfulness criteria in reports of life events: considerations for the criminal psychological investigation of adults Machado, Patrícia Vasconcelos; Silvano, Maiala Bittencourt; Hutz, Claudio Simon
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| · Residential care: considerations on how subjective care is presented in the daily work of social educators Carvalho, Cintia Favero; Razera, Josiane; Haack, Karla Rafaela; Falcke, Denise
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| · Secrecy and integrality in mental health care: challenges to the performance of psychologists in the SUS Amaral, Raquel Aires do; Rieth, Carmen Esther
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| · Psychological assessment: its role in the multidisciplinary team in a Children's and Adolescents' Psychiatric Unit of a general hospital Castan, Juliana Unis; Junges, Nilve; Cunegatto, Fernanda Rohrsetzer
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| · Psychotherapy psychoanalytic of a child that is under guard grandma: case study Cappelli, Tielen Franciosi; Oliveira, Luiz Ronaldo Freitas de
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| · Conceptions and expectations of retirement in workers of the public education of Rio Grande do Norte Silva, Alda Karoline Lima da; Caraballo, Gimena Pérez; Jucá, Raphaela Margarida do Nascimento; Machado, Ludmila Sayonara da Silva Xavier
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| · Predicting factors for the participation in an intensive psychological intervention for overweight and obese people Finger, Igor da Rosa; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva
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| · Children's profile and adolescent victims of maltreatment met in psychology clinic in southern Brazil Silva, Ramon Wolkmer Silvestri da; Azambuja, Carolina Viecili; Santana, Ariela
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| · Anxiety, stress, ADHD symptoms and performance in candidates in the Bar Exam of theBrazilian Bar Association/RS José, Laureane Hertlein Alcântara; Vivian, Aline Groff; José, Fernando Elias Machado; Souza, Fernanda Pasquoto de
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| · Externalizing problems and prosociality Oliveira-Monteiro, Nancy Ramacciotti de; Scachetti, Rodolfo Eduardo; Frabetti, Stephanie; Aznar-Farias, Maria
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Theoretical Articles |
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| · Psychological aspects associated to temporomandibular dysfunction: a systematic review of the literature Massena, Patricia; Frassetto, Silvana Soriano
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| · Psychological evaluation of personality in transit background: instruments of the use of importance projective Bittencourt, Maiala; Lopes, Regina Maria Fernandes; Rocha, Bruna Fernandes da
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Experience report |
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| · A workshop experience therapy with child at CAPSIA: the Dreamers Brandt, Jéssica; Bender, Fernanda; Menezes, Ana Luisa Teixeira de
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Review |
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| · Cuidados paliativos nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Franco, Marcelo Ávila; Iankoski, Renata Blanco da Silva
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