Editorial |
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| Vivian, Aline Groff; Gedrat, Dóris Cristina; Souza, Fernanda Pasquoto de |
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Theoretical Articles - Psychology |
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| · Death, life and the mass phenomena Salztrager, Ricardo
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| · From the gym to the divan: reflections on narcissism Wieczorek, Rodrigo Traple
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| · Maternal postpartum depression and babies with malformations: systematic review Azambuja, Carolina Viecili; Cardoso, Ariela Santana; Silva, Ramon Wolkmer Silvestri da
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Empirical Articles - Psychology |
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| · Transference and resistance in an interrupted psychoanalytic psychotherapy Lima, Michael Henrique de Souza; Fachini, Alexandre
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| · Psychological variables associated with bariatric surgery Fagundes, Maria Anobes Bonet Grespan; Caregnato, Rita Catalina Aquino; Silveira, Luiza Maria de Oliveira Braga
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| · Vulnerability, mental health and school-clinics: a response to attention to population Maggi, Alice; Rosa, Aline Machado da; Scherer, Clarissa Giuliani; Bisol, Cláudia A.; Wendland, Jaqueline; Poletto, Letícia Borges; Moreira, Priscila Minhoni
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Theoretical Articles - Health Promotion |
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| · Communicative rationality as a means to promote humanized health relations according Habermas' point of view Schubert, Claudio; Gedrat, Dóris Cristina
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| · Psychology and pediatric dentistry: interdisciplinarity contextualization in Brazil Tovo, Maximiano Ferreira; Faccin, Elise Sasso; Vivian, Aline Groff
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Empirical Articles - Health Promotion |
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| · Primary health care: the adequacy to the model of health surveillance in a municipality in southern Brazil Pallarés, Emília Christina; Alves, Gehysa Guimarães; Aerts, Denise; Câmara, Sheila; Tovo, Maximiano
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| · Knowledge and access to sex education and Aids prevention programs: a study with in-school adolescents Rolim, Sandro Rodrigues; Bielenki, Cláudia Rosana Zaccani; Béria, Jorge Umberto; Schermann, Lígia Braun; Santos, Ana Maria Pujol Vieira dos; Arossi, Guilherme Anziliero
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| · Perceptions of parents and educators on the development of executive functions related behavior in children practicing Taekwondo Canova, Itacir Fabiano; Gomes, Cármen Marilei; Tractenberg, Saulo Gantes
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| · Epidemiological profile of users of a nutrition public service Moreira, Júnnia Maria; Bonfim, Ana Clícia Lima; Ribeiro, Lorena de Souza; Matias, Luana Braga
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Review |
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| · Prevenção de infecção do sítio cirúrgico Otaviano, Maria Linda Petry de Oliveira; Cunha, Roberta Gnatkowski Bauer; Guimarães, Solange Machado
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