Editorial |
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| Gedrat, Dóris Cristina; Souza, Fernanda Pasquoto de |
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International article |
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| · Self-conscious emotions in children's narratives: contributions of the narrative approach Sousa, Mariana Lopes; Cruz, Orlanda Maria
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Empirical Articles - Health Promotion |
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| · Pregnant women perceptions about prenatal care in a health care center in the interior of the south of Brazil Krause, Kelly de Moura Oliveira; Alves, Gehysa Guimarães; Gedrat, Dóris Cristina; Martins, Maria Isabel Morgan
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| · Epidemiological profile of patients admitted to an Intensive Care Center Pauletti, Marzelí; Otaviano, Maria Linda Petry de Oliveira; Moraes, Aline dos Santos Teixeira de; Schneider, Daniela da Silva
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Theoretical Articles - Health Promotion |
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| · Environmental health in the city: new territorialities and the construction of healthy spaces Kunh, Marla; Alves, Gehysa Guimarães; Schröder, Nádia Teresinha; Aerts, Denise Rangel Ganzo de Castro
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Empirical Articles - Psychology |
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| · The story as a possible abandonment of representational revival Both, Luciane Maria
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| · Intimate partner violence: articulators of the cope and aid Machado, Andrezza Souza Martinez; Lourenço, Lélio Moura
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| · Survey of the Sociodemographic Profile of Patients attended in the Mental Health Network of Guaíba Govoni, Angélica; Neumann, Débora Consteila; Schumacher, Dileã; Petitemberg, Natália; Weber, Larissa; Silveira, Paula Schuch; Azambuja, Luciana; Predebon, Juliana
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| · Levels of Stress and Social Support in Public Servants of High-Complexity Social Assistance Services Nunes, Walkiria Stangl; Souza, Fernanda Pasquoto de
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| · When turn illness anxiety? : How to treat disorders eager under the perspective cogntive-behavioral Lenhardtk, Gabriela; Calvetti, Prisla Ücker
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Theoretical Articles - Psychology |
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| · Contributions of empirical studies of educational neuroscience to educational practices in the period between 2008 and 2013: Systematic review Flor, Cristiane Marx
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| · Gratitude as a protective factor in aging Viana, Susy Ane Ribeiro; Oliveira, Camila Rosa de; Rodrigues, Gabriela Veiga Alano; Bastos, Alan Saloum; Argimon, Irani Iracema de Lima
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| · Occupational health psychology in Brasil: An integrative review Carlotto, Mary Sandra; Câmara, Sheila Gonçalves; Braun, Ana Claudia; Rodriguez, Sandra Spindler; Diehl, Liciane
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Experience report |
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| · Emotional education in mourning processes in daycare Tabaczinski, Carine; Frighetto, Juliana
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Review |
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| · Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem: considerações teóricas e aplicabilidade Pauletti, Marzelí; Teixeira, Aline dos Santos; Guimarães, Solange Machado
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