Editorial |
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| Gedrat, Dóris Cristina; Souza, Fernanda Pasquoto de |
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International Article: Health Promotion |
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| · Program of intervention antibullying developed by nurses: proposal and validation through the Delphi method Yoshinaga, Andréa Cristina Mariano; Pereira, Beatriz Oliveira; Oliveira, Wanderlei Abadio de; Gonçalves, Isis Pires; Hayashida, Miyeko; Silva, Marta Angélica Iossi
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Empirical Articles - Psychology |
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| · Playing in the process of elaboration of maternal separation in Child Education Machado, Isadora; Menegotto, Lisiane Machado de Oliveira
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| · Quality analysis reports in forensic psychological assessment Bavaresco, Tanise; Ferreira, Vinícius Renato Thomé; Simor, Tainá Katiúcia Simor e
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| · Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Behavioral Disorder in adolescents who completed elementary education in Caxias do Sul Galvan, Juliana Chies; Demori, Stefania Dall Agno; Feldmann, Lidiane Alli; Halpern, Ricardo; Marrone, Luiz Carlos Porcello
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| · Differences of perception of stressors according to the route type on truck drivers work Taube, Michelle Engers; Carlotto, Mary Sandra
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| · The presence of psychopathological symptoms in children and caregivers who seek child psychotherapy Deluca, Victoria; Antoniutti, Camila Bosse Paiva; Boff, Natália; Landenberger, Thaís; Argimon, Irani Iracema de Lima; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva
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Empirical Articles - Health Promotion |
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| · Psychology focal group in patients with heart failure Finkler, Ana Letícia Quatrin; Vivian, Aline Groff
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| · Parasitosis intestinal prevalence on a semiarid baiano quilombola community Rosine, Gilvandro Doretto; Rosine, Ivi de Oliveira; Ribeiro, Fabio; Schröder, Nádia Teresinha
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| · Functional and respiratory conditions in the postoperative bariatric surgery Kuhn, Andressa de Almeida; Zucco, Débora; Santos, Laura Jurema dos
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| · Intestinal constipation in the elderly and its association with physical, nutritional and cognitive factors Carneiro, Rita de Cássia Martins da Silva; Antunes, Mateus Dias; Abiko, Rafael Hideki; Cambiriba, Ayanne Rodrigues; Santos, Natalia Quevedo dos; Silva, Sthefany Dlugosz; Bertolini, Sonia Maria Marques Gomes
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Theoretical Articles - Psychology |
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| · Psychotherapeutic treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder:: perspectives of cognitive-behavioral therapy and analytical-behavioral therapy Bortoli, Bruno Almeida de; Francke, Ingrid Ávila
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| · Well-being at work: Systematic review of Brazilian literature Garcez, Lívia; Antunes, Christianne Bastos Leduc; Zarife, Pricila de Sousa
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Theoretical Articles - Health Promotion |
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| · Coronary Syndromes in the Adult Intensive Therapy Unit Pauletti, Marzelí; Guimarães, Solange Machado; Miltersteiner, Diego Rosa
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| · Construction of hydroelectric power plants and affected populations in Brazil: a systematic review Barbosa, Fernanda Escobar Fernandes; Giongo, Carmem Regina; Mendes, Jussara Maria Rosa
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| · Behavioral and physiological changes determined by the female biological cycle: Climacteric to menopause Selbac, Mariana Terezinha; Fernandes, Claudia Garcia Carrijo; Marrone, Luiz Carlos Porcello; Vieira, André Guirland; Silveira, Eliane Fraga da; Morgan-Martins, Maria Isabel
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Experience report |
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| · Emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationship : Report of intervention with secondary technical teachers Filippesen, Osvaldo André; Marin, Angela Helena
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| · The breast cancer: An experience report in a phenomenological approach Melo Filho, Jamil Torquato de; Fogaça, Monalisa de Cássia
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Review |
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| · Precisamos de um livro! Leite, Paula Sarmento
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