Editorial |
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| Gedrat, Dóris Cristina; Souza, Fernanda Pasquotto de |
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Empirical Articles - Health Promotion |
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| · Social skills and academic performance: a comparative study between health and human curses and exact and social applied areas Nazar, Thaís Cristina Gutstein; Tartari, Michele Quaglioto; Vanazi, Ana Caroline Grassi; Belusso, Andreia
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| · Cardiovascular risk stratification in wheelchair basketball players Castro, Kelen Cristina Estavanate de; Guimarães, Ana Clara Garcia; Silva, Guilherme Junio; Guarienti, Marconi; Tonellos, Maria Georgina Marques; Melo Neto, Olímpio Pereira de; Almeida, Karine Cristine de; Santos, Daniel dos
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| · Palliative Care in primaryhealth care: Perceptions of physicians of the family’s health strategy on the subject in practice Aranovich, Cinthia; Krieger, Maria da Graça Taffarel
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Empirical Articles - Psychology |
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| · Ascertaining the ways of home psychotherapy Serur, Gabriele; Azevedo, Eleonora Apolo de; Michel, Renate Brigitte
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| · Depression and teaching Brun, Luciana Gisele; Monteiro, Janine Kieling
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| · The Motivation of Undergraduates in Physical Education for Participating in Theoretical Training and Tutoring Schuller, Juliana Aparecida de Paula; Nascimento, Lilian Cristina Gomes do; Serra, Maysa Venturoso Gongora Buckeridge; Nazar, Paulo de Tarso; Bittar, Cléria Maria Lobo; Tonello, Maria Georgina Marques
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Theoretical Articles - Health Promotion |
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| · Sociodemographic, judicial profile and experiences in the family of origin of men serving time for rape of the vulnerable Marafiga, Caroline Velasquez; Falcke, Denise
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| · Health legislation and policies in reducing vulnerabilities and drug use: Challenges to be overcome Pereira Junior, Luciano Aparecido; Beretta, Regina Célia de Souza
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Systematic Review - Health Promotion |
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| · Elderly in Brazil: aggressions, policies and public programs - literature review Leindecker, Cassiana Regina; Bennemann, Rose Mari; Macuch, Regiane da Silva
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Experience Reports - Health Promotion |
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| · "The Tinder stall": an experience report about STI/HIV prevention amongst the university community Pellá, Lucas Monteiro; CogoGrzebielucka, Aline; Santo, Amanda Dal; Zambenedetti, Gustavo
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| · Humanizing signs between psychology and nursing: intervention report in a neonatal intensive care center Kolachi, Sara Helen; Becker, Ana Paula Sesti; Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida
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| · Integrated multiprofessional residence in adult and elderly health: one year of nurses training in hospital care Stein, Fernanda Schommer; Simionato, Renata; Silva, Larissa Borges da; Milani, Amábile Rodrigues de Souza; Schneider, Daniela da Silva; Guimarães, Solange Machado
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Experience Reports - Psychology |
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| · Work psychology in social assistance: analysis from a focus group Sanches, Natália; Martins, Tayná Ceccon; Silva, Rafael Bianchi
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Review |
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| · Acidentes ambientais e planos de contingência Martini, Aline; Schneider, Carina Letícia Hiining
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