Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · From swan to ugly duckling: on the relationship of woman, beauty and ugliness Novaes, Joana V.; Vilhena, Junia de
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| · The woman, her physician and the psychotropic drug: a web of inaterfaces and subjectivity production in public health services Carvalho, Lúcia de Fátima; Dimenstein, Magda
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| · Debate on psychical transmission: a short trajectory of psychoanalytical and systemic views Bertin, Ivone Placoná; Passos, Maria Consuêlo
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| · Considerations on the over-determination of phobic symptom in Hans' case Barbosa, Maria Nadeje Pereira
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| · The use of computers on psychological assessment: an investigation of its influence about individual performance on a numeric reasoning test (RN) Andriola, Wagner Bandeira
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Reviews |
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| · Sociedade de consumo: perdas e ganhos Milnitzky, Fárima
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| Castello Branco, Viviane |
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