Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Sexual abuse, psychological trauma and transgeneration Almeida-Prado, Maria do Carmo Cintra de; Féres-Carneiro, Terezinha
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| · Notes about the perverse discourse Rudge, Ana Maria
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| · Psychoanalyses’ approach to a squizophrenia case Riguini, Renata Damiano
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| · Contributions of the social skills approach for a systemic understanding of the teaching-learning process Del Prette, Zilda Aparecida Pereira; Fernandes Paiva, Mirella Lopez Martini; Del Prette, Almir
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| · Memory, record and subjectivity: teachers’ writings Nébias, Cleide
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| · Life fragments: social representations of organs donation for transplants Fonseca, Márcia Aparecida de Abreu; Carvalho, Alysson Massote
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| · General considerations and practical orientations regarding the use of case studies in scientific research in psychology Sanches Peres, Rodrigo; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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Reviews |
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| Fortes, Marisa |
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| Cericato, Itale Luciane |
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