Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The “resentment of the warrior”: reflections on the body and education based on the works of Theodor Adorno and the Psychoanalysis Ramos, Conrado
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| · Art function in psychotic stabilization: analysis of Profeta Gentileza’s case Guerra, Andréa Máris Campos; Silva, Carlos André Moreira da; Chaia, Fabiana Caires; Elias, Fernanda Moreira; Sarkis, Thiago Pinto Côrrea
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| · Trauma, bare life and the state of exception: notes on clinic and politics Peixoto Junior, Carlos Augusto
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| · Paradoxes of fantasy Salztrager, Ricardo
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| · Lent sermons and knowledge of self Massimi, Marina
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| · The dialectic of inclusion/exclusion and the women’s work Maria Fernanda, Diogo; Coutinho, Maria Chalfin
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| · Children play and family educational practices: a study with low income families Martins, Edna; Szymanski, Heloisa
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Interview |
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| · Entrevista com o Prof. Alberto Eiguer
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Reviews |
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| Mattos, Ricardo Mendes |
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| Alves, Glaucy Karon Abdon |
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