Psychobiology and Cognitive Psychology |
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| · Developmental dyslexia and executive functions: evidence on main evaluation methods Soares, Cibele Siebra; Guerra, Amanda; Roy, Arnaud; Hazin, Izabel; Azoni, Cíntia Salgado
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| · Role of emotional and social information processing factors in social behavior: a developmental perspective Reyna, Cecilia; Brussino, Silvina
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| · Executive functions: neuropsychological assessment in women with breast cancer Lima, Camila Vasconcelos Carnaúba; Almeida, Rosa Maria Martins de; Póvoa, Raner Miguel Ferreira
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| · Measuring students' learning approaches through achievement: structural validity of SLAT-Thinking Gomes, Cristiano Mauro Assis; Quadros, Josiany Soares; Araujo, Jhonys de; Jelihovschi, Enio Galinkin
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Social Work Psychology |
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| · Learning support and job performance: model of moderate mediation Andrade, Érika Guimarães Soares de Azevedo; Valentini, Felipe
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| · Context of work and human cost in post-graduation stricto sensu in the state of Ceará Maciel, Regina Heloisa Mattei de Oliveira; Vale, Sílvia Fernandes do; Matos, Tereza Glaucia Rocha; Viana Filho, Marcizo Veimar Cordeiro
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| · Emotional labor and work engagement in military police: mediation of professional identity Guedes, Hannah Dantas; Gondim, Sônia Maria Guedes; Hirschle, Ana Lúcia Teixeira
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Themes in Social Policies: Social Assistance and Assurance System of Rights |
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| · Possibilities and potentialities of rap for adolescents and young people in compliance with socio-educational measures Santos, Alice Cristina Silva dos; Alberto, Maria de Fátima Pereira; Muniz, Aíla Souza
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Psychosocial Aspects of Interactions Between People and Various Socio-Environmental Contexts |
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| · Validation of the Brief Sense of Community Index for Rural Poverty Situations in Brazil Moura Jr, James Ferreira; Barbosa, Vilkiane Natercia Malherme; Ramos, Tassia Oliveira; Silva, Alexsandra Maria Sousa; Ximenes, Verônica Morais
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Social and Community Psychology and Mental Health |
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| · Community handcraft groups in Primary Care as mental health support for women: an implementation study Alves, Kali Vênus Gracie; Aragão, Ellen Ingrid Souza; Almeida, Anna Paula Florenzano de; Souza, Andreza Conceição de; Saggese, Bianca Lopes; Andrade, Bruna Gonçalves de; Oliveira, Jéssica Acácio de; Costa, Marcelo Henrique da; Silva, Angela Machado da; Fortes, Sandra
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