| Table of contents Estud. psicol. (Natal) vol.28 no.1 Natal Jan./Apr. 2023 Psychobiology and Cognitive Psychology | | | | · Determination of Twin Zygosity in Brazil: A DNA Validation of Two Short Questionnaires Varella, Marco Antonio Correa; Fernandes, Eloísa de Souza; Fridman, Cintia; Lucci, Tania Kiehl; Defelipe, Renata Pereira; Fernandes, Lucas Outeda; Garcia, Ana Laura Oliveira; Antonio, Laís Ubaldo; Segal, Nancy; Otta, Emma
| | | | · Effectiveness of an Executive Functions Parental Program in ADHD Children Bitencourt, Ana Carolina Lima Neiva; Sousa, Roberto Beirão Santos; Campos, Marione Souza; Oliveira, Clara Xavier; Martins, Cíntia Ribeiro; Santos, Vivian Siqueira dos; Abreu, Neander
| | | | · Beyond Breeding: Re-Interpreting Paradigms in Domestic Dog Aggression Research Ayrosa, Flavio; Savalli, Carine; Resende, Briseida
| | | | · Construction and Validation of the Fear of Contamination Scale (FOCS) Schneider, Juliana Thais; Vasconcellos, Silvio José Lemos; Moreira Junior, Fernando de Jesus; Ferreira, Stephane Mossmann
| | | Social Work Psychology | | | | · Gender inequalities in scientific work: permanence and dismantling in process Cunha, Rocelly; Dimenstein, Magda
| | | | · Relationship between subjective mobilization and presenteeism in the illness of workers Dourado, Amanda Dias; Zambroni-de-Souza, Paulo César; Bolis, Ivan
| | | Themes in Social Policies: Social Assistance and Assurance System of Rights | | | | · Health predictors among homeless youth: integrative review Lima, Rebeca Fernandes Ferreira; Rosa, Edinete Maria
| | | | · Brazilian psychology and social movements: a systematic literature review Mendes, Kíssila Teixeira; Ronzani, Telmo Mota; Oliveira, Isabel Maria Farias Fernandes de; Netto, Weverton Corrêa; Costa, Pedro Henrique Antunes da
| | | Psychosocial Aspects of Interactions Between People and Various Socio-Environmental Contexts | | | | · From skin to hair: Racism in the identity construction of quilombola children and young people and their forms of resistance Pérez, Beatriz Corsino; Marçal, Maria Bongiovani; Santos, Maria Caroline das Mercês
| | | | · Narrative dissidences: body policies and narrativities in the research Silva, Wanderson Vilton Nunes da; Hüning, Simone Maria; Guareschi, Neuza
| | | | · The Story of Daisy: Agroecology, Feminism and Health Practices Fernandes, Saulo Luders; Rosário, Hemile Dantas Coelho; Souza, Gustavo Alberto de
| | | | · Mental health support for refugees in Brazil Duden, Gesa Solveig; Lopes, Júlia de Souza; Nascimento, Vitoria Nathalia do; Borges, Lucienne Martins
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