| Table of contents Temas psicol. vol.16 no.1 Ribeirão Preto June 2008 Editorial | | | | | | | Articles | | | | · Defensive hostility and health: psychophysiological cardiovascular functioning Guerrer, Cristina; Francesc
| | | | · Revised Childrens Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS) adapt to Portuguese in Brazil Gorayeb, Maria Angela M.; Gorayeb, Ricardo
| | | | · General distress, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and coping strategies in parents of children with cancer Ferrandis, Estrella Durá; Vaillo, Yolanda Andreu; Garrido, María José Galdón; López, Sonia Hernández; Soler, Concepción López
| | | | · Software development for evaluation of body dysmorphic disorder under behavior analytic approuch Battini, Elissa; Soares, Maria Rita Zoéga; Zakir, Norma SantAna
| | | | · The Shelter Project: characterization of patients and psychological therapy to sexual abuse victims Lucânia, Eliane Regina; Miyazaki, Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos; Domingos, Neide Aparecida Micelli
| | | | · Evaluation of the effect of a behavioral intervention program on cigarette smoking behavior Gavazzoni, Juliana Accioly; Marinho-Casanova, Maria Luiza
| | | | · Group motivational interviewing for the treatment of alcohol addiction Jaeger, Antônio; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva; Freire, Suzana Dias
| | | | · Intervention in waiting room for chemical dependant outpatient: characterization and effect evaluation Ciribelli, Elina Barros; Luiz, Andreia Mara Angelo Gonçalves; Gorayeb, Ricardo; Domingos, Neide Aparecida Micelli; Marques Filho, Altino Bessa
| | | | · Antisocial personality disorder and substance use disorder: characterization, comorbidities and challenges in treatment Costa, Janelise Bergamaschi Paziani; Valerio, Nelson Iguimar
| | | | · Quality of life, anxiety and depression: an example of indicators and relations in epilepsy Meneses, Rute F.; Pais-Ribeiro, José; Silva, António Martins da
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