Editorial |
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| · Editorial Tomanari, Gerson Yukio
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Apresentação do dossiê: psicologia e dor Moraes, Antonio Bento Alves
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Brazilian Psychological Society, 40 years: from the seeds to the fruits Otero, Vera Regina Lignelli
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Dossie: Psychology and pain |
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| · Sensibility, happiness and culture Abib, José Antônio Damásio
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| · Procedural pediatric pain: contributions from pediatric psychology Barros, Luísa
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| · Pain in neonates and children: assessment and non-pharmacological interventions Linhares, Maria Beatriz Martins; Doca, Fernanda Nascimento Pereira
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| · Pain behavior: functional analysis and some experimental data Hunziker, Maria Helena Leite
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| · Psychological treatment for chronic pain Silva, Daiane Soares; Rocha, Eliana Porto; Vandenberghe, Luc
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| · Oncology pain: complementary and alternatives interventions to drug treatment Graner, Karen Mendes; Costa Junior, Aderson Luiz; Rolim, Gustavo Sattolo
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| · Functional analysis of pain in irritable bowl syndrome Gimenes, Lincoln da Silva; Bohm, Carlos Henrique
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| · Pain experience and psychosocial variables: the state of the art in Brazil Almeida, Fabrício Fernandes; Costa Junior, Áderson Luiz; Doca, Fernanda do Nascimento Pereira; Turra, Virgínia
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| · Measurement of remembered pain in school-age children: gender and age differences Charry, Claudia L. E; Silva, José Aparecido Da
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| · Reflections about human suffering and clinical behavior analysis Conte, Fátima Cristina de Souza
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| · Fibromyalgia and stress: exploring relations Reis, Maria de Jesus Dutra dos; Rabelo, Laura Zamot
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| · Chronic fatigue syndrome: a behavior analytical perspective of a clinical report Wielenska, Regina Christina; Banaco, Roberto Alves
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| · Pain and behavior Rachlin, Howard
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Articles |
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| · Breast cancer: commitment to work mastectomy's consequences Rita de Cássia, Gandini
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| · Attachment experience and foster care: reflections, myths and challenges Delgado, Paulo
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| · Credulity and Barnum or Forer effect Bunchaft, Guenia; Krüger, Helmuth
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| · Social influence in problem solving: a review from comparative psychology Resende, Briseida Dogo
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| · Some considerations about "little Albert" Bisaccioni, Paola; Carvalho Neto, Marcus Bentes de
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| · Parenting assessment in child protection Pereira, Dora; Alarcão, Madalena
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