Editorial: um número especial da Revista Temas em Psicologia para comemorar os 50 anos da teoria das representações sociais de Serge Moscovici
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Prefácio Moscovici, Serge
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First part: Some international contributions |
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| · Ponto de vista: sobre o movimento das representações sociais na comunidade científica Jodelet, Denise
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| · Social representations and applied sciences: the case of HIV prevention Camargo, Brigido Vizeu; Bousfield, Andréa Barbará S; Wachelke, João
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| · Social representations of ageing shared by different age groups Schulze, Clélia Maria Nascimento
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| · Social representations and stakes across borders: studying ageing in times of change Nagel, Maria Macedo; Contarello, Alberta; Wachelke, João
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| · Social representations of female-male beauty and aesthetic surgery: a cross-cultural analysis Rosa, Annamaria Silvana de; Holman, Andrei
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| · What does it take to be the head of the group?: Social representations of power in school context Soares, Célia; Jesuino, Jorge Correia
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| · Climate change social representations: context and implication effects Bertoldo, Raquel Bohn; Bousfield, Andréa Barbará S
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| · Effect of context in evaluating a social object: the case of a collective mobilization in France Wolter, Rafael Pecly
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Segunda Parte: O Grupo de Trabalho Representações Sociais da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Psicologia ANPEPP |
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| · Building a Brazilian history: the Brazilian past by undergraduate students from Brazil Cruz, Ana Carolina Dias; Aragão, Cristal Oliveira Moniz de; Gonçalves, Luana Pedrosa Vital; Arruda, Angela
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| · Anticipatory representations in situations of social pressure, according to ethnic-racial self-defined group Souza Filho, Edson Alves de
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| · Social representation of health and care: a multicenter study of male vulnerability Camargo, Brigido Vizeu; Campos, Pedro Humberto Farias; Torres, Tatiana de Lucena; Stuhler, Giovana Delvan; Matão, Maria Eliane Liégio
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| · Social representations of familiar members concerning madness and the psychiatric hospital Maciel, Silvana Carneiro; Barros, Daniela Ribeiro; Camino, Leoncio F; Melo, Juliana Rízia Félix de
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| · An investigation about historicity of social representations Villas Bôas, Lúcia Pintor Santiso; Sousa, Clarilza Prado de
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| · Social representations according to future teachers about playing: elements to give thoughts about the social regulations related to infanthood Andrade, Daniela B. S. Freire; Teibel, Érica N. H
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| · The contribution of social representation's theory to analysis of a virtual discussion forum Silva, Alcina Maria Testa Braz da; Constantino, Gustavo Daniel; Premaor, Vânia Ben
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| · Social representation of risk in potentially dangerous activities Chamon, Edna Maria Querido de Oliveira; Moraes, Pedro Milton de
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Terceira Parte: 20 anos do Laboratório de Psicologia Social da Comunicação e Cognição Social LACCOS UFSC |
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| · The 20th anniversary of the Laboratory of Social Psychology of Communication and Cognition of UFSC Nascimento-Schulze, Clélia Maria
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| · Social representations of body: aesthetic and health Camargo, Brigido Vizeu; Goetz, Everley Rosane; Bousfield, Andréa Barbará S; Justo, Ana Maria
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| · Thesocial functions and representations of the body: a generational comparison Camargo, Brigido Vizeu; Justo, Ana Maria; Alves, Catarina Durante Bergue
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| · Social representations, health beliefs and behaviors: a comparative study between men and women Brito, Annie Mehes Maldonado; Camargo, Brigido Vizeu
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| · Characterizing elements of the social representations of adults on aids Natividade, Jean Carlos; Camargo, Brigido Vizeu
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| · Social representations of aging and sexuality for people over 50 years Biasus, Felipe; Demantova, Aline; Camargo, Brigido Vizeu
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