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Temas em Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1413-389X


Table of contents
Temas psicol. vol.20 no.1 Ribeirão Preto June 2012

Tomanari, Gerson Yukio

        · text in Portuguese     · English ( pdf ) | Portuguese ( pdf )
 Dossier: About the human inteligence
 ·  Prefácio
Flores-Mendoza, Carmen; Silva, José Aparecido Da

        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The human capital and the wealth of nations
Colom, Roberto; Flores-Mendoza, Carmen

        · abstract in English | Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Exploring the association between IQ and differential life outcomes: results from a longitudinal sample of monozygotic twins
Nedelec, Joseph L.; Schwartz, Joseph A.; Connolly, Eric J.; Beaver, Kevin M.

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  The intellectual and academic performance of adolescents contaminated by lead: relation with social skills
Dascanio, Denise; Olaz, Fabián O.; Fontaine, Anne Marie G.; Rodrigues, Olga Maria P. Rolim; Prette, Almir Del; Prette, Zilda A. P. Del

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Social skills and academic achievement: the mediating function of cognitive competence
Feitosa, Fabio Biasotto; Del Prette, Zilda A. P.; Del Prette, Almir

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  The relationship of Eysenck’s Giant Three with fluid and crystallized intelligence and learning potential among adolescents
Đapo, Nermin; Kolenović-Đapo, Jadranka; Hadžiahmetović, Nina; Fako, Indira

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  The interplay of behavioral dispositions and cognitive abilities: sociosexual orientation, emotional intelligence, executive functions and life history strategy
Figueredo, Aurelio José; Cuthbertson, Alyssa Marie; Kauffman, Ilyssa Avery; Weil, Elana; Gladden, Paul Robert

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Is it smart to believe in God?: The relationship of religiosity with education and intelligence
Meisenberg, Gerhard; Rindermann, Heiner; Patel, Hardik; Woodley, Michael A.

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Cross-battery factor analysis of the Battery of Reasoning Abilities (BPR-5) and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ-III): Bateria de Habilidades de Raciocínio (BPR-5) e Bateria de Habilidades Cognitivas Woodcock-Johnson III
Primi, Ricardo; Nakano, Tatiana de Cássia; Wechsler, Solange Muglia

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Considerations about IQ and human capital in Brazil
Flores-Mendoza, Carmen; Widaman, Keith F.; Mansur-Alves, Marcela; Silva Filho, José Humberto da; Pasian, Sonia Regina; Schlottfeldt, Carlos Guilherme Maciel Furtado

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Human intelligence and its implications
Silva, José Aparecido Da; Ribeiro-Filho, Nilton P.; Santos, Rosemary Conceição dos

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Performance of selection and naming in children with hearing loss and cochlear implants
Battaglini, Marina Pavão; Bevilacqua, Maria Cecília; Souza, Deisy das Graças de

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Heideggerian thought in the existencial psychology of Boss and Binswanger
Seibt, Cezar Luís

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Neuropsychological assessment of language after right brain damage: instruments for functional and performance evaluation
Pagliarin, Karina Carlesso; Sarmento, Thaís Ferrugem; Müller, Juliana de Lima; Parente, Maria Alice de Mattos Pimenta; Fonseca, Rochele Paz

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  In search of a meeting: the hermeneutic method in Social Psychology research
Mandelbaum, Belinda

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Review: effects of memory training in normal elderly and elderly with mild cognitive impairment
Olchik, Maira Rozenfeld; Mattos, Deise; Maineri, Nicole Steibel; Farina, Jeanette; Oliveira, Alcyr; Yassuda, Monica Sanches

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The experience of parenthood in the face of divorce: feelings and perceptions
Warpechowski, Ananda; Mosmann, Clarisse

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Examples on the importance of love: a study with children in the context of morality
Alves, Ariadne Dettmann; Alencar, Heloisa Moulin de; Ortega, Antonio Carlos

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Stimulus control and behavior history: a replication of Freeman and Lattal (1992)
Costa, Carlos Eduardo; Soares, Paulo Guerra; Ramos, Murilo Nogueira

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 Special section
 ·  Editoria do periódico Temas em Psicologia: relatório de gestão (2006 a 2012)
Tomanari, Gerson Yukio

        · text in Portuguese