Editorial |
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Introduction |
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| · Social psychology and health: socio-psychological or psychosocial? Innovation of the field in the context of the brazilian responses to AIDS Paiva, Vera Silvia Facciolla
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Articles |
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| · Disclosure of the HIV infection diagnosis in the context of counseling from the user's perspective: la versión del usuario Moreno, Diva Maria Faleiros Camargo; Reis, Alberto Olavo Advíncula
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| · Adherence intervention based on constructionist care approach: the health professionals' perspective Santos, Maria Altenfelder; Nemes, Maria Ines Battistella; Nasser, Ana Cristina Arantes; Basso, Cáritas Relva; Paiva, Vera Silvia Facciolla
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| · Fique vivo: citizenship and aids prevention among youth incarcerated population - reflections of a practice Silveira, Fernando
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| · Co-management and prevention of STD/AIDS in primary care: contributions from the human rights and vulnerability framework Ferraz, Dulce Aurélia de Souza; Nemes, Maria Ines Battistella
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| · STD/AIDS Prevention and communication processes: a case study in the context of vulnerability Silva, Neide Emy Kurokawa; Oliveira, Luzia Aparecida
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| · Evaluation of a psychosocial intervention in caring for adherence to treatment for HIV/AIDS: a case study Bellenzani, Renata; Nemes, Maria Ines Battistella
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| · Condom use in Brazil: an overview of the academic production on HIV/AIDS prevention (2007-2011) Pinheiro, Thiago Félix; Calazans, Gabriela Junqueira; Ayres, José Ricardo de Carvalho Mesquita
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| · Religious coping and politics: lessons from the response to Aids Paiva, Vera Silvia Facciolla; Ferrara, Andrea Paula; Santos, Mafoane Odara Poli; Parker, Richard
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| · Violence and Other Gender Vulnerabilities and Women Living with HIV/Aids Lima, Márcia de; Schraiber, Lilia Blima
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| · Structural inequalities, LGBT youth health and knowledge gaps: what do we know and what do we ask? Pecheny, Mario
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| · The "serodiscordance" for health professionals: a qualitative study of ambulatory care of HIV/AIDS in the municipality of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lago, Edith Lucia Mendes; Maksud, Ivia; Gonçalves, Rafael Soares
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| · Instruction and relation as ways of counseling in HIV/Aids Galindo, Wedna Cristina Marinho; Francisco, Ana Lúcia; Rios, Luís Felipe
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| · LGBT homeless people, nomadism and contexts of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS Garcia, Marcos Roberto Vieira
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| · Homosexuality, youth and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in Rio de Janeiro candomblé Rios, Luís Felipe
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| · A critical review on Aids stigma reduction interventions in Brazil: una revisión crítica Zucchi, Eliana Miura; Paiva, Vera Silvia Facciolla; França Junior, Ivan
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| · Contributions and limits of the use of person-centered therapy (pct) for the theoretical foundation of STD/Aids Counseling Pupo, Ligia Rivero; Ayres, José Ricardo Carvalho Mesquita
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| · Territories of desire and vulnerability to hiv among man who have sex with man: challenges for prevention Antunes, Maria Cristina; Paiva, Vera Silvia Faciolla
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| · Female condom and double protection: challenges for specialized services for STDs and AIDS Kalckmann, Suzana
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