Articles |
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| · Investigating the impact of stimulus equivalence on children's food choice and preference Santos, Silvana Lopes dos; Rose, Júlio César Coelho de
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| · Burnout Syndrome in bank employees: a literature review Dias, Felipe Silva; Angélico, Antonio Paulo
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| · Career choice self-efficacy source scale: development and initial psychometric studies Moreira, Thaline da Cunha; Ambiel, Rodolfo Augusto Matteo; Nunes, Maiana Farias Oliveira
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| · Intimate partner violence: the predictive power of experiences in the family of origin and of personality disorder traits Madalena, Marcela; Carvalho, Lucas de Francisco; Falcke, Denise
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| · Skinner and Merleau-Ponty's criticism of causality Pompermaier, Henrique Mesquita
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| · Adoption of children by homosexual couples: the social representations Santos, José Victor De Oliveira; Araújo, Ludgleydson Fernandes de; Negreiros, Fauston; Cerqueira-Santos, Elder
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| · Intergroup emotions, perceived threats and hostility against foreigners: comparing Brazil, Portugal, and Spain Gondim, Sônia Maria Guedes; Álvaro-Estramiana, José Luis; Pereira, Cícero Roberto; Camino, Leôncio; Torres, Ana Raquel; Garrido-Luque, Alícia; Techio, Elza Maria; Barreiros, João Almeida; Lorente-Clemares, Raquel; Alonso-Flores, Patrícia Elbereth
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| · Personality traits and behavioral sleep patterns: differences between men and women Pereira, Victor Hugo Dias; Melo, Luiz Henrique de Carvalho Diniz; Santos, Natanael Antonio dos; Galdino, Melyssa Kellyane Cavalcanti; Andrade, Michael Jackson Oliveira
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| · Predictors of academic achievement at the end of middle school: history of repetition, social skills and social support Fernandes, Luana de Mendonça; Leme, Vanessa Barbosa Romera; Elias, Luciana Carla dos Santos; Soares, Adriana Benevides
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| · Psychoeducation for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: what, how and who shall we inform? Oliveira, Clarissa Tochetto de; Dias, Ana Cristina Garcia
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| · Biopsychosocial characteristics of accused child sex offenders in the intrafamilial and extrafamilial contexts Costa, Lucilene Paiva da; Rocha, Carlos Joaquim Barbosa da; Cavalcante, Lília Iêda Chaves
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| · Teething problems in late adoption: challenges for the parent-child bond in parental perception Sampaio, Débora da Silva; Magalhães, Andrea Seixas; Féres-Carneiro, Terezinha
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| · Risk perception of bariatric surgery in patients with different obesity-related comorbidities Schakarowski, Fabiana Brum; Padoin, Alexandre Vontobel; Mottin, Cláudio Corá; Castro, Elisa Kern de
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| · Marital infidelity: the experience of men and women Scheeren, Patrícia; Apellániz, Iñigo de Alda Martínez de; Wagner, Adriana
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| · The social support scale (MOS-SSS): standardizing with item references Zanini, Daniela Sacramento; Peixoto, Evandro Morais; Nakano, Tatiana de Cássia
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| · Working memory, proces sing speed and general intelligence: possible models of relations with visuospatial working Memory Using the Visuospatial Computerized Working Memory Battery (BIMeT-VE) Injoque-Ricle, Irene; Barreyro, Juan Pablo; Formoso, Jesica; Burin, Débora I.
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| · Children with clinical psychological symptoms: the discriminant role of conjugality, coparenting and parenting Mosmann, Clarisse; Costa, Crístofer Batista da; Silva, Allana Gessiele Mello da; Luz, Susana Konig
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| · Social representations of the body and sexual satisfaction in mastecomized women and their partners Hirschle, Tamiris Molina Ramalho; Maciel, Silvana Carneiro; Amorim, Geane Karla de
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| · Appropriation of experimental psychology by two jesuit authors in the first decades of the twentieth century Massimi, Marina
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| · Results from interventions addressing social skills to reduce school bullying: a systematic review with meta-analysis Silva, Jorge Luiz da; Oliveira, Wanderlei Abadio de; Zequinão, Marcela Almeida; Lizzi, Elisângela Aparecida da Silva; Pereira, Beatriz Oliveira; Silva, Marta Angélica Iossi
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