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| · Comparison of the emotional indicators of the pfister test between boys and girls from Ceará-Brazil Cardoso, Lucila Moraes; Bessa, Luana Batista; Targino, Rebeca de Moura
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| · Learning predictors in a distance program: a study with public healthcare providers Sousa, Alline Alves de; Zerbini, Thaís
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| · Ansiedade, enfrentamento e rede social significativa do cuidador de uma criança com queimaduras Azevêdo, Adriano Valério dos Santos; Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida
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| · Boys with internalizing and externalizing behavior problems: a case control study Bolsoni-Silva, Alessandra Turini; Loureiro, Sonia Regina
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| · Computerized Working Memory Battery (BIMeT-V): studying the relation between working memory, verbal reasoning and reading comprehension Barreyro, Juan Pablo; Injoque-Ricle, Irene; Formoso, Jesica; Burin, Debora Inés
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| · Motherhood and work: experience of women with established careers Martins, Gabriela Dal Forno; Leal, Cláudia Luiz; Schmidt, Beatriz; Piccinini, Cesar Augusto
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| · Cross-cultural adaptation of the Children's Emotion Regulation Processes Survey (CERP) in chilean preschoolers Rodriguez, Paulina Reyes; Solar, Felix Cova; Navarrete, Claudio Bustos
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| · Infants' characteristics and skills: dissolving the nature/nurture dichotomy Resende, Briseida
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| · Review of scientific literature on the age of criminal majority in Brazil Mansur, Thiago Sandrini; Rosa, Edinete Maria; Trindade, Zeidi Araujo
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| · Gender and same-sex intimate partner violence: a systematic literature review Barros, Isa Correia de; Sani, Ana; Santos, Luís
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| · Understanding lies based on evolutionary psychology: a critical review Vasconcellos, Silvio José Lemos; Rizzatti, Matheus; Barbosa, Thamires Pereira; Schmitz, Bruna Sangoi; Coelho, Vanessa Cristina Nascimento; Machado, Andrea
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| · Retirement well-being: a systematic review of the literature Amorim, Silvia Miranda; França, Lucia Helena de Freitas Pinho
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| · Effects of instruction and self-monitoring on adherence to treatment of juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus Almeida, Flávia Pinho; Ferreira, Eleonora Arnaud Pereira; Moraes, Ana Julia Pantoja de
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| · Scale of Positive and Negative Aff ects (EAPN-10): evidence of its psychometric adequacy Gouveia, Valdiney V.; Ribeiro, Maria Gabriela Costa; Loureto, Gleidson Diego Lopes; Silva Neta, Olindina Fernandes da; Gouveia, Rildésia S. V.; Vilar, Roosevelt; Freire, Sandra Elisa de Assis
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| · Socioeconomic factors and intimate partner violence: a household survey Bhona, Fernanda Monteiro de Castro; Gebara, Carla Ferreira de Paula; Noto, Ana Regina; Vieira, Marcel de Toledo; Lourenço, Lélio Moura
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| · Effects of justifications presented in children's stories on students following descriptive rules Craveiro, Cíntia Caroline Prado; Paracampo, Carla Cristina Paiva; Albuquerque, Luiz Carlos de
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| · The practice of the psychologist in brazilian social welfare Sales, Allana Ribeiro Porto; Maciel, Regina Heloisa
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| · Profile and professional practices of health psychologists of the federal district Seidl, Eliane Maria Fleury; Duarte, Sofia Costa e Silva; Magalhães, Danielle Bernardes; Costa, Marcela de Vasconcelos
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| · The structure of students' parents' social representations of teachers Vale, Silvia Fernandes do; Maciel, Regina Heloisa
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| · Sociodemographic characteristics, school performance, pattern of consumption and emotional health as risk factors for alcohol use among adolescents Marin, Angela Helena; Peuker, Ana Carolina; Kessler, Felix Henrique Paim
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