Articles |
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| · Electroencephalogram evidence for memory suppression: a systematic review Dutra, Camila Arguello; Beria, Francielle Machado; Ligório, Isadora Silveira; Gauer, Gustavo
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| · Representational structure of Vitiligo: non-Restrictive Skin Marks Do Bú, Emerson Araújo; Coutinho, Maria da Penha de Lima
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| · Peers as agents of dating violence prevention: feasibility analysis of an intervention Santos, Karine Brito dos; Murta, Sheila Giardini
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| · Resilience of people with HIV/Aids: influence of religious coping Brito, Hérica Landi de; Seidl, Eliane Maria Fleury
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| · Maternal adaptation in the role of caring for and rearing 12-month-old babies Sehn, Amanda Schöffel; Feeburg, Natália Luz; Piccinini, Cesar Augusto; Lopes, Rita de Cassia Sobreira
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| · Association between social skills, sociodemographic factors and self-statements during public speaking by university students Bauth, Murilo Freitas; Angélico, Antonio Paulo; Oliveira, Daniela Carine Ramires de
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| · Development and psychometric analysis of the brief inventory of academic procrastination Geara, Gabriela Ballardin; Nunes, Cristina Aparecida Medeiros; Hauck-Filho, Nelson; Teixeira, Marco Antônio Pereira
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| · Development of a scale to measure histrionic traits according to the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology Carvalho, Lucas de Francisco; Sette, Catarina P.; Ferrari, Bárbara Letícia
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| · Cannabis legalization: perceptions of psychiatrists and recovering users Wink, Giovana Alessandra; Méa, Cristina Pilla Della; Rossi, Tainá
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| · Impact of sexual orientation, social support and family support on minority stress in LGB people Paveltchuk, Fernanda de Oliveira; Damásio, Bruno Figueiredo; Borsa, Juliane Callegaro
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| · Evaluation of a psychoeducational intervention in the development of social and communication skills for incoming medical students at a bilingual university Zazula, Robson; Appenzeller, Simone
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| · Morality, activism and radicalism in the brazilian left and the brazilian right GloriaFilho, Mario; Modesto, João Gabriel
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| · Community resilience: a case study of a community of Fortaleza, CE Oliveira, Ana Tercila Campos; Morais, Normanda Araujo de
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| · Instructional videomodeling to teach mothers of children with autism to implement discrete trials: a systematic replication Barboza, Adriano Alves; Costa, Lidiene Camila Barbosa; Barros, Romariz da Silva
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| · Social representations on euthanasia between students of law and medicine: a comparative analysis Santos, Joicy Leide de França; Morais, Edclécia Reino Carneiro de; Aléssio, Renata Lira dos Santos
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