Editorial |
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| · A propósito de Caminhos e descaminhos do luto Silva, Paulo Sérgio Lima
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Articles |
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| · The construction of contemporary subjectivity and its relation to depression Pereira, Claudia Rodrigues
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| · Maternal neglect and alimentary refusals in infancy Dauer, Érika Teles; Martins, Karla Patrícia Holanda
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| · Is there a Weltanschauung of Psychoanalysis? Palmeira, Amanda Barros Pereira; Gewehr, Rodrigo Barros
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| · Psychoanalytic reflections on psychic heritage: a literature review Vasconcelos, Angela Teresa Nogueira de; Lima, Maria Celina Peixoto
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| · An investigation into bulimia and anorexia symptoms in social networking Lopes, Cláudia Mazur
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| · Treatment protocols in hospital psychology: a psychoanalytic perspective Marcos, Cristina Moreira; Biondi, Iara Wanderley
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| · From mental hygiene to chemical hygiene: contributions to a counterpoint between the child seen as an object by hygienism and as the subject of its own truth by Psychoanalysis Couto, Daniela Paula do; Castro, Júlio Eduardo de
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| · Doubt in obsessional neurosis: Freudian readings Câmara, Leonardo; Herzog, Regina
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| · Patterns of thirdness in contemporary psychoanalysis: its origins and its destinies Coelho Junior, Nelson Ernesto
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| · The language of gestures and bodies: silence in the clinical perspective of Sándor Ferenczi Silva, Sergio Gomes da
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Review |
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| · Três ensaios sobre juventude e violência Lang, Charles Elias
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| · O Inconsciente Social Soreanu, Raluca
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