Editorial |
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| · Desafios da psicologia escolar e educacional
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Articles |
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| · Self-regulated learning: theoretical foundations and organization of SABER program Bilimória, Helena; Almeida, Leandro S.
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| · Homework, self-efficacy and Math achievement Rosário, Pedro Sales Luís; Baldaque, Margarida; Mourão, Rosa; Nuñez, José Carlos; González-Pienda, Julio Antonio; Valle, Antonio; Joly, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo
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| · Colors influence in reading motivation of literature infantile PIECES Witter, Geraldina Porto; Ramos, Oswaldo Alcanfor
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| · Teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and adolescents' motivation to learn physics Goya, Alcides; Bzuneck, José Aloyseo; Guimarães, Sueli Édi Rufini
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| · The school and the educational perspectives of at risk situations Amparo, Deise Matos do; Galvão, Afonso CelsoTanus; Cardenas, Carmen; Koller, Sílvia Helena
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| · School practices and Academic performance of students with ADHD Reis, Maria das Graças Faustino; Camargo, Dulce Maria Pompêo de
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| · School creativity: relationship between teaching experience and type of school Castro, Júlia Soares Rosa de; Fleith, Denise de Souza
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| · Concept development in congenital blinds: means for knowledge acquisition Nunes, Sylvia da Silveira; Lomônaco, José Fernando Bitencourt
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| · Educators' opinions on child victimization and school performance Pereira, Paulo Celso; Williams, Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
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| · Teacher's narratives about ADHD: a collective case study Landskron, Lílian Marx Flor; Sperb, Tania Mara
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| · Moral dilemmas debate in the university Souza, Luciana Karine de
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| · Adaptation to university among young freshmen students Teixeira, Marco Antônio Pereira; Dias, Ana Cristina Garcia; Wottrich, Shana Hastenpflug; Oliveira, Adriano Machado
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| · Possible influences of the elaboration of drawings on children narratives Rodrigues, Maria do Rosário de Fátima; Queiroz, Sávio Silveira de; Alencar, Heloisa Moulin de
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| · The preparation of a basic school teacher: contributions of the social-historical approach in Psychology Aguiar, Wanda Maria Junqueira de; Soares, Júlio Ribeiro
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| · Relationship between phonological abilities and auditory processing in children with developmental dyslexia Capellini, Simone Aparecida; Germano, Giseli Donadon; Cardoso, Ana Cláudia Vieira
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Summaries |
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| · Contributions to professional identity of the School Psychologist Oliveira, Cynthia Bisinoto Evangelista de
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| · Reasoning and creating: talent as a focus Ourofino, Vanessa Terezinha Alves Tentes de
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| · The classical philosophy influence in the actual education Piovezan, Nayane Martoni
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History |
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| · A trajetória de vida de três pioneiros brasileiros da psicologia escolar Alencar, Eunice Maria. Lima Soriano de
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Practical suggestions |
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| · The game as a strategy for solving mathematical problems Silva, Maria José de Castro
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| · The development of the reading in the Basic School Gomes, Maria Aparecida Mezzalira
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