Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Game and entertainment for 6 year-old children and elementary school Rocha, Maria Silvia Pinto de Moura Librandi da
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| · Mental retardation and acquisition of mathematics: curriculum as a conditional relation network Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador; Goyos, Celso
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| · Reading strategies and textual comprehension among university students Cantalice, Lucicleide Maria de; Oliveira, Katya Luciane de
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| · Teaching and learning as a dialectical unity in pedagogical activity Bernardes, Maria Eliza Mattosinho
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| · Schooling and prejudice: memories of disabled and not disabled youths Ohl, Nathalie Guerrero; Angelucci, Carla Biancha; Nicolau, Aneline Menezes; Honda, Caroline
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| · The historical-cultural theory and the importance of toys: approaching Pysical Education Martineli, Telma Adriana Pacifico; Fugi, Nataly de Carvalho; Mileski, Keros Gustavo
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| · Teachers conceptions of constructivism and its implementation in the state elementary education Carraro, Patrícia Rossi; Andrade, Antônio dos Santos
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| · Brazilian and Finnish early childhood care: options of care, alternative care Zanfelici, Tatiane Oliveira
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| · Burnout Syndrome: a comparative study between teachers of state and private school systems Lopes, Andressa Pereira; Pontes, Édel Alexandre Silva
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| · Family-school relationship: parents and teachers educative practices Silveira, Luiza Maria de Oliveira Braga; Wagner, Adriana
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| · Game as an activity: contributions from the historical-cultural theory Nascimento, Carolina Picchetti; Araujo, Elaine Sampaio; Miguéis, Marlene da Rocha
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| · Evaluation of a procedure for structural categories of stories Ribeiro, Daniela Mendonça; Pascualon, Jussara Fátima; Sella, Ana Carolina; Bandini, Carmen Silvia Motta; Souza, Deisy das Graças de
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| · Stressful events and coping strategies among adolescents: implications for Learning Busnello, Fernanda de Bastani; Schaefer, Luiziana Souto; Kristensen, Christian Haag
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| · The self-esteem myth and the school learning Franco, Adriana de Fátima
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| · Critical comment on Humberto Maturana´s concept of autopoiesis and education Troiteiro, Rina Pedrol
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Summaries |
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| Witter, Geraldina Porto |
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| Alves, Renato |
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| Pansini, Flávia |
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| · A gift for the Learning Psychology Paula, Fraulein Vidigal de
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History |
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| · Interview with Beatriz Belluzzo Brando Cunha
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Relatos de Práticas Profissionais |
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| · Tom Cruise´s sickness: an experience of internship in psychological intervention Barbosa, Deborah Rosaria; Silva Junior, Moacir José da; Angelucci, Karolina Murakami
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