Articles |
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| · Estate of the art on teacher training and teaching work Maia, Tatiane Cristina dos Santos da; Hobold, Marcia de Souza
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| · Relations between communication, experience and discourse in Vigotski: introductory remarks Toassa, Gisele
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| · Contribution of psychoanalysis to education: the transference in the teacher/student relationship Ribeiro, Márden de Pádua
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| · Factors affecting outgoing of students in distance education: management course Bentes, Márcia Cristina Benigno; Kato, Olívia Misae
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| · Different degrees of mathematics anxiety, and academic performance in elementary school Fassis, Daniela; Mendes, Alessandra Campanini; Carmo, João dos Santos
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| · The justice in the school environment: the vision of pedagogy students Moro, Adriano; Sousa, Clarilza Prado de
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| · Meanings constructed by adolescents about the process of schooling Gomes, Ramon Cerqueira; Padovani, Andrea Sandoval; Dazzani, Maria Virgínia Machado; Ristum, Marilena
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| · Cultivating attention: an experience with children 4 and 5 years old Ribeiro, Regina Buccini Pio; Ferreira, Aurino Lima
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| · The Pará State Education Institute (IEEP) in the memory of female students and teachers Lobato, Vivian da Silva; Antunes, Mitsuko Aparecida Makino
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Sharing |
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| · VIII Mostra de Psicologia da Educação: "45 anos do PED: contribuições e perspectivas para questões educacionais"
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