Articles |
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| · Social representations and teaching and learning processes of social knowledge Castorina, José Antonio
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| · Construction and validation of the unifactorial scale of academic self-efficacy Rodrigues, Rafaela Martins; Pimentel, Carlos Eduardo; Ribeiro, Maria Gabriela Costa
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| · Teaching conditional relations between musical stimuli by means of a computer program Madeira, Igor; Borloti, Elizeu; Haydu, Verônica Bender
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| · Mediation, engagement and involvement in the music language: a study in children's contexts Vectore, Celia; Pavanin, Thaís Vectore; Silva, Ana Caroline Dias da; Silva, Isis Graziele da; Piccolo, Patrícia Alves Dal
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| · Learning design and technologies: creating collaborative environments for the learning process Assis, Maria Paulina de; Almeida, Maria Elizabeth Bianconcini de
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| · The interactive assessment and the alfabetização fônica software: a case study Coelho, Cristina Lúcia Maia; Bastos, Claudio Lyra
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| · Psychologist training in education: the conceptions of professors Naves, Flaviana Franco; Silva, Silvia Maria Cintra da; Peretta, Anabela Almeida Costa e Santos; Nasciutti, Fabiana Marques Barbosa; Silva, Larice Santos
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| · Determinants for the entry of students with disabilities in high school Borges, Laura; Campos, Juliane Aparecida de Paula Perez
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| · Social representations of intellectual disability between psychology and education Gomes, Ruthie Bonan; Lhullier, Cristina
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| · Reading, writing and stimulus equivalence: focus on teaching procedures Moroz, Melania; Llausas, Rosana Valiñas; Kramm, Daniele; Bovolon, Stefan
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| · In memoriam
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