Articles |
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| · Evaluation of school performance after exposure to a computerized reading and writing program Cravo, Felipe Augusto Monteiro; Almeida-Verdu, Ana Cláudia Moreira
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| · Communication by changing figures and conditional relations with students with autism Levy, Evelyn Talita Silveira; Elias, Nassim Chamel; Benitez, Priscila
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| · Development of attention: acting in special classes Jesus, Juliana Soares de; Souza, Vera Lucia Trevisan de
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| · Senses and meanings attributed by teachers participating in a course on school coexistence Silva, Lívia Maria Ferreira da; Aragão, Ana Maria Falcão de; Vinha, Telma Pileggi
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| · Teacher's health in the school's quotidian: a historical research Siqueira, Beatriz Colabone; Boarini, Maria Lucia
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| · The contributions of historical and cultural psychology for high school: knowledge on adolescence Barbosa, Luciana Mara Tachini; Facci, Marilda Gonçalves Dias
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| · Psychology and generalist training concepts Fernandes, Sarah Ruth Ferreira; Seixas, Pablo de Sousa; Yamamoto, Oswaldo Hajime
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| · Time management: a behavior analysis interpretation MichelatoYoshiy, Shimeny; Kienen, Nádia
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| · Psychoanalysis and teacher training: study of scientific productions in Brazil Falcão, Rafaela de Oliveira; Lima, Maria Celina Peixoto; Maia Filho, Osterne Nonato
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Sharing |
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| · 50 Anos do PED Ronca, Antonio Carlos Caruso; Almeida, Laurinda Ramalho de
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| · Corpo editorial - n. 47
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