| Table of contents Psicol. educ. no.52 São Paulo Jan./June 2021 Editorial | | | | · From punging tasks to the psychology of education facing the current humanitarian tragedy Antunes, Mitsuko Aparecida Makino; Santos, Ruzia Chaouchar dos
| | | Articles | | | | · Social origin and career: merit and contingency among graduates Nicácio, Claúdia Beatriz de Lima; Sousa, Rosânia Rodrigues de; Godinho, Letícia; Amorim, Marina Alves; Castilho, Vera Scarpelli
| | | | · Self-efficacy, social skills and school climate of elementary school students Falcão, Amanda Oliveira; Leme, Vanessa Barbosa Romera; Morais, Gisele Aparecida de
| | | | · School climate in private technical education: teacher and student evaluation Filippsen, Osvaldo André; Marin, Angela Helena
| | | | · School complaint: an analysis of the referrals of students to health services Sodré, Euristela Barreto; Sousa, Lucivanda Cavalcante Borges de; Cabral, Barbara Eleonora Bezerra
| | | | · Making medicalization: a literature review on school education referrals to health Santos, Geane da Silva; Toassa, Gisele
| | | | · Far from home: psychological care and mental health indicators of university immigrants Ferreira, Alisson Vinicius Silva; Borges, Lucienne Martins
| | | | · Autism spectrum disorder: teacher training for group school activities Oliveira, Letícia Dal P. Dal S. de; Garcia, Rafael V. B.; Menotti, Ana R. S.; Donadeli, Josiane M.; Aran, Marineide A. de S.; Carmo, João dos S.
| | | | · Full-time education: from lack to protection Rodrigues, Mariana Ruas; Santiago, Érika Jordana Freitas; Rota Júnior, César
| | | | · Perceptions of the Residents of the Engomadeira Neighborhood on the UNEB-BA Santos, José Ricardo Rosa dos; Santana, Jeanne Lopes; Guimarães, Luís Geraldo Leão; Bomfim, Natanael Reis
| | | | · Social representations of the teacher by the manager Vale, Sílvia Fernandes do; Maciel, Regina Heloisa
| | | | · Public policies and social mobility: students of University for all Program (PROUNI) Polli, Gislei Mocelin; Martinelli, Jamille; Zugman, Ari; Oliveira, Fabio; Doi, Francislaine Wiczneski; Dias, Maria Sara de Lima; Tavares, Juliana
| | | Sharing | | | | · "Crianças anormais" e a invenção da deficiência Oliveira, Rita; Szymanski, Luciana
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