Editorial |
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| · The ethical-political commitment to the impacts of the pandemic Antunes, Mitsuko Aparecida Makino; Santos, Ruzia Chaouchar dos
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Articles |
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| · Prejudice and prounistas: "you don't belong to here" Ribeiro, Flávia de Mendonça; Guzzo, Raquel Souza Lobo
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| · Conceptions of child development: a study with public day-care educators Albano, Ronaldo Matos; Salomão, Nádia Maria Ribeiro
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| · Indiscipline of democratic action at school: a systematic review Rodrigues, Samantha Couto; Rossato, Maristela
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| · Stimulus equivalence and reading teaching: characteristics of the participants of Brazilian empirical studies from 2008 to 2017 Silva, Graciane Barboza da; Gagliotto, Giseli Monteiro; Nazar, Thais Cristina Gutstein
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| · Confronting violence at school: what do scientific productions point out as measures? Silva Junior, Aldenor Batista da; Urt, Sonia da Cunha
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| · Educational interventions for learning about sexuality and gender in Brazil: a scoping Review Blankenheim, Thaís; Ramos, Natacha Führ; Pizzinato, Adolfo; Costa, Angelo Brandelli
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| · Psychological support to the college student: the suffering expression in virtual workshops Lomba, Jonas Cardoso; Pan, Miriam Aparecida Graciano de Souza
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| · Public Policies and Social Mobility: students of University for All Program (PROUNI) Polli, Gislei Mocelin; Martinelli, Jamille; Zugman, Ari; Oliveira, Fabio; Tavares, Juliana; Doi, Francislaine Wiczneski; Dias, Maria Sara de Lima
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| · Self-awareness in talented: analysis of scientific production Batista, Taísa Candido de; Souza, Mariane Lima de; Barbosa, Altemir José Golçalves
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| · Study methods in higher education: the construction and validating a questionnaire Caliatto, Susana G.; Mendes, Carmelinda T. A.; Almeida, Leandro S.
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Sharing |
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| · A revolução de Vigotski Magalhães, Luciana de Oliveira Rocha; Aguiar, Wanda Maria Junqueira de
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