Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The meaning and the sense of the students dwellings by young college students and the inclusion-exclusion dialetic Sousa, Lívia Mesquita de; Sousa, Sônia Margarida Gomes
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| · Assessment of self-concept in the school context: analysis of the publications in brazilian journals Suehiro, Adriana Cristina Boulhoça; Rueda, Fabián Javier Marín; Oliveira, Evelin Zago de; Pacanaro, Silvia Verônica
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| · Violences, violent systems and the testimonial horizon Endo, Paulo Cesar
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| · Teachers attitudes towards inclusive education Crochík, José Leon; Freller, Cintia C.; Dias, Marian Ávila de Lima e; Feffermann, Marisa; Nascimento, Rafael Baioni do; Casco, Ricardo
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| · The practice of the psychologist in public health: a study in the public net services of Fortaleza (CE), Brazil Carvalho, Liliane Brandão; Bosi, Maria Lúcia M.; Freire, José Célio
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| · The discovery of the unconscious and the elaboration of its historical route Baratto, Geselda
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| · Communion economy: social responsibility, ideology and social representations Carvalho, Maria Luisa; Guareschi, Pedrinho
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| · Self-efficacy for occupational activities and professional interests in students Nunes, Maiana Farias Oliveira; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto
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| · Diagnosing autistic disorder: fundamental aspects and practical considerations Silva, Micheline; Mulick, James A.
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| · A long term study of preschoolers with aggressive behavior: School adjustment and teacher-student relationship Picado, Juliana da Rocha; Rose, Tânia Maria Santana de
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| · Cell phones paid by employers: a benefit or an annoyance? Cipriano, Lúcia; Nicolaci-da-Costa, Ana Maria
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| · Perspectives of prospective research of younger siblings of children with autism Lampreia, Carolina
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| · Humanization and social control: the psychologist as health ombudsman Carvalho, Denis Barros de; Santana, Janaína Macêdo; Santana, Vera Macêdo de
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Experiences |
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| · The patients assembly and the CAPSI Bontempo, Valéria Lima
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| · The mothers place in the child psychoterapy: an experience of psychological attendance in public health Finkel, Lenira Akcelrud
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Honored |
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| · Luiz Pasquali
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