Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Psychiatric reform and social inclusion: a study with mental patients relatives Maciel, Silvana Carneiro; Barros, Daniela Ribeiro; Silva, Antonia Oliveira; Camino, Leoncio
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| · Life quality on the public service context: a social representation approach with health professionals
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| · Behavior analysis contributions to pediatric dentistry Brandenburg, Olivia Justen; Haydu, Verônica Bender
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| · The non-school: how yongsters with cancer see the school and the teacher who works in the hospital Marchesan, Eduardo Caliendo; Bock, Ana Mercês Bahia; Petrilli, Antonio Sergio; Covic, Amalia Neide; Kanemoto, Eduardo
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| · The school principals role into the accomplishment of an inclusive educational culture
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| · Emotional regulation at work: a case study after air disaster Gondim, Sonia Maria Guedes; Borges-Andrade, Jairo Eduardo
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| · Implicatios of the psychological attendance to the ones who are experiencing significant losses Souza, Airle Miranda de; Moura, Danielle do Socorro Castro; Corrêa, Victor Augusto Cavaleiro
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| · Social representations of life project among adolescents in high school Marcelino, Maria Quitéria dos Santos; Catão, Maria de Fátima Fernandes Martins; Lima, Claudia Maria Pereira de
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| · Career counseling effects on indecision and exploratory behavior Cunha, Maria Céu Taveira Castro Silva Brás; Faria, Liliana da Costa
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| · Adolescents´ self-descriptions according to gender and birth order Sampaio, Izabela Tissot Antunes; Vieira, Mauro Luís
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| · Professional tendency and personality: research on the correlation among measures of these constructs Welter, Giselle Müller-Roger; Capitão, Claudio Garcia
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| · The Psychologist in the basic health assistance Boarini, Maria Lucia; Borges, Roselania Francisconi
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Experiences |
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| · Experience into clinical of work with bank clercks with injuries by Repetitive Strain Injury Santos Júnior, Adalberto Vital dos; Mendes, Ana Magnólia; Araujo, Luciane Kozicz Reis
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| · On other considerations about Labor Psychology Tubino, Carmela de Lima; Pedruzzi-Reis, Marcia Giovana; Silva, Rosane Neves da
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| · Supervised training course in School Psychology: demystifying the clinical model Lima, Maria de Fátima Evangelista Mendonça
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Honored |
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| · Arno Engelmann
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