Articles |
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| · The structural approach of depression: freudians contributions Rocha, Zeferino
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| · The notion of "Beyond" in Lacan’s 5th Seminar: between the symbolic and the real Sbano, Valmir
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| · Psychoanalysis in front of the other (or the "uncanny" couch of Procustus) Souza, Mauricio Rodrigues de
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| · The experience of learning in the observation of mother-baby-family relation Pergher, Daniel Nardini Queiroz; Cardoso, Carmén Lúcia
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| · Catastrophes and sublimation in Paul Celan poetry: notes on a pain that sleeps with the words Oliveira, Mariana Camilo de
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| · The situation of religious phenomenon nowadays Nunes, Tiago Ribeiro
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| · The Incidences of Repetition in the Body Through Pain Mendonça, Marinella Morgana de
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| · A cause that includes a subject: the originality of the cause in psychoanalysis Lustoza, Rosane Zétola
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| · Extracting meaning, translating and interpreting: a paradigm in the psychoanalytic treatment of the autist child Tafuri, Maria Izabel; Safra, Gilberto
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| · Some psychoanalytical articulations on the treatment and the schooling of a psychotic child Gavioli, Camille Apolinário
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| · Psychic conflict in Freud’s theory Fontes, Flávio Fernandes
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| · The mind-brain relation in freudian metapsychology Caropreso, Fátima
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| · The range of problems in psychoanalysis and the freudian slips Calazans, Roberto; Neves, Tiago Iwasawa
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| · Testimonial: metaphors of remembering Alves, Márcia Barcellos; Sousa, Edson Luiz André de
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