Editorial |
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Original Articles |
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| · Família e aprendizagem: Inplicações do funcionamento familiar nas modalidades de aprendizagem Pastorino, Carmen
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| · The unpredictability or the nightmare of mathematics Pugliese, Ana Lucia C. A.; Castanho, Marisa Irene S.
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| · Training teachers Barreto Neta, Lormina
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| · Retell is to live: retrieving the history of life and self-esteem of children with learning disability Polity, Suzanne
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| · O Menino Maluquinho e a busca da autonomia: The"Nutty Boy": story and the search for autonomy Ghisalberti, Lucia; Pitombo, Elisa Maria
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| · To touch and To share... the body, affect, apprenticeship: an experience of continuous Formation In a Child Education Centery Oliveira, Rosmari Pereira de
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| · Learning to learn... together: working in group with children with visual impairment and neuromotor disability Rago, Ana Lucia Pascali
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Ponto de Vista |
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| · Nine years of fundamental teaching: advances and contradictions Alexandroff, Marlene Coelho
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Summaries |
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| · Encontros entre arteterapia e psicopedagogia: a relação dialógica terapeuta e cliente, educador e aprendiz Santos, Dilaina Paula dos
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| · Psicopedagogo na rede de ensino: a trajetória institucional de seus atoresautores Arantes, Sandra Meire de Oliveira Resende
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