Editorial |
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| Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M. Q. |
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Academy Actions |
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| · Election of the board of directors - triennium 2007 - 2009 and appointment of the work commissions representatives
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| · Performance of the Academy during the triennium 2004 - 2006
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| · Brief activity program for the management 2007 - 2009
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| · Extension of the project "The legacy of psychology for the human development"
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| · A step ahead: partnership with CIEE
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History of Psychology |
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| · Recalling the memory of the pioneers in psychology Costa, Hebe C. Boa-Viagem A.
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| · Subsidies for presenting a complete view of the legacy of Jean Maugüé Silva Neto, Norberto Abreu e
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| · Contributions to the history of the psychology of teaching system at BSV-Psi Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M. de Queiroz
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| · The development of psychosynthesis in Brazil: Interview with the new academic Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M.Q.
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Theories, research and experience report |
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| · School Psychology and the on-the-job training: shortening distances between theories and practices Marinho-Araujo, Claisy Maria; Neves, Marisa Maria Brito da Justa
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| · Adjustment Disorder Lipp, Marilda Emmanuel Novaes
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| · Literary workshops for children under psychosocial risk Peçanha, Dóris Lieth
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| · Interventions in phonological conscience and learning of the written language Santos, Maria José dos; Maluf, Maria Regina
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Books Reviews |
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| Witter, Geraldina Porto |
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| Balducci, Daniel |
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| Torres, André Roberto Ribeiro |
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| Mello, Anna Christina Cardoso de |
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| Takatori, Marisa |
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Obituary |
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| · Haim Grünspum: (* 16/08/1927 - † 14/10/2006) Assumpção Jr., Francisco Baptista
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