Editorial |
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History of Psychology |
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| · "ABC Tests": origin and development Monarcha, Carlos
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| · Redeeming the memory of the pioneers: Laerte Ramos de Carvalho(* 03/09/1922 - 07/08/1972) C. Boa-Viagem A. Costa, Hebe
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| · Redeeming the memory of the pioneers: Antônio Miguel Leão Bruno (* 21/07/1903 - 13/09/1997) Alves de Araújo, Ceres
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| · Subsidies to School Psychology in Brazil
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| · Contributions to the history of the psychology of teaching system at BVS-Psi: life and work of the pioneers in psychology M. de Queiroz Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl
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Theories, Researches and Case Studies |
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| · Family's awareness of the adolescents' profound hearing loss acquired Otake Yamada, Midori; Krom, Marilene; Targa Abreu, Dagmar
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| · Phenomenological structural approach and case studies Eduardo Aguirre Antúnez, Andrés; Santoantonio, Jacqueline
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| · Understanding and consideration of teachers regarding learning styles Santos, Eliana; Wechsler, Solange
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| · Abstinence and the reduction of damages in the recovery process of dependents on psychoactive substances Coelho, Celenita; M. de Queiroz e Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl
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| · Educational Psychology on contemporaneity Regina Maluf, Maria; Villa Valle Cruces, Alacir
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| · Hospital toy libraries, an analysis focused on quality criteria Gerlach Dietz, Karin; Barros de Oliveira, Vera
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Books Reviews |
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| Witter, Geraldina Porto |
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| Camilo, Andrieli Bianca Rodrigues |
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| Sakamoto, Cleusa Kazue |
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| Morais, ]Sara Teresa Pérez |
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| Magalhães, Aracê Maria Magenta |
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Obituary |
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| · Maria Helena Contreiras de Figueiredo Steiner (* 09/11/1925 - † 02/01/2008) Steiner, Ana Luiza Figueiredo
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