Editorial |
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History of Psychology |
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| · Redeeming the memory of the pioneers: João Cruz Costa (* 13/02/1904 - † 10/10/1978) Patrono da cadeira nº 32 Costa, Hebe C. Boa-Viagem A.
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| · Redeeming the memory of the pioneers: Oscar Freire de Carvalho (Salvador, * 03/10/1882 - São Paulo, † 11/01/1923) Lipp, Marilda Emanuel N.
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| · Contributions to the history of the psychology of teaching system at BVS-Psi regarding Carlos R. Affonso, Waldecy A. Miranda & Salomão Rabinovich Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M. de Queiroz e
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| · The teaching of Psychoanalysis: a perspective of its production Witter, Geraldina Porto
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| · Pedro de Alcântara, Haim Grünspun and the protection of children: speech on taking office at the São Paulo Academy of Psychology Ades, César
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| · Lino de Macedo: a Psychology’s builder Custódio, Eda Marconi
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Theories, Researches and Case Studies |
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| · Psychological evaluation: Brazilian contributions Chiodi, Marcelo Gulini; Wechsler, Solange Muglia
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| · Benefit of ludic activities in the recovery of children with cancer Borges, Emnielle Pinto; Nascimento, Maria do Desterro Soares Brandão; Silva, Silvana Maria Moura da
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| · The study of human potentialities in the hotel business context Kanaane, Roberto; Gutierrez, Rômulo
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| · Biogenetics and Psychology Pérez-Ramos, Juan
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| · Research in the formation of the Brazilian psychologists and its public politics Valle Cruces, Alacir Villa
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| · Constructions and “diggings”: what are the possibilities? Grünspun, Suzana
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| · Child’s play: creativity and health Sakamoto, Cleusa Kazue
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| · Proprioception: a vanguardist concept in the diagnostic and therapeutic areas Antunha, Elsa Lima Gonçalves; Sampaio, Paulo
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Reviews |
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| Costa Neto, Pedro Luiz de Oliveira |
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| Witter, Geraldina Porto |
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| Sakamoto, Cleusa |
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| Magalhães, Aracê Maria Magenta |
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Obituary |
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| · Reinier Johannes Antonius Rozestraten (*07/02/1924 - † 27/06/2008)
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