Editorial |
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History of Psychology |
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| · Notes about the institutionalization of Psychology in São Paulo: the Applied Psychology service (1930-1938) Monarcha, Carlos
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| · Contributions to the history of the psychology of teaching system at BVS-Psi regarding the patrons: Oscar Freire de Carvalho; Laerte Ramos de Carvalho & Antonio Miguel Leão Bruno Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M. de Queiroz e
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| · The formation of market psychotherapies in the United States and Brazil: Psychoanalysis, Clinical psychology and Psychotherapies Nicaretta, Marcelo Morais
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| · Course and trends of the Sao Paulo Academy of Psychology Bulletin Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M. de Queiroz e
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Theories, Researches and Case Studies |
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| · A destrutividade do adolescente, sob o enfoque da Psicanálise Morhain, Yves; Chouvier, Bernard; Proia, Stephane
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| · Resilience and shelters Sequeira, Vânia Conselheiro
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| · The redemption of playing in the educator's formation Gimenes, Beatriz Piccolo
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| · Fulfilment of the maternal function in cases of child illness Iungano, Elisa Motta; Tosta, Rosa Maria
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| · Clinical notes on common insomnia Trinca, Walter
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| · Occupational stress and quality of life of clergymen Pinheiro, Cesar Roberto; Lipp, Marilda Emmanuel Novaes
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| · Relationships between organizational culture and innovation processes: a psychosociological case study in a technology-based company Godoy, Renata Semensato Pereira de; Peçanha, Dóris Lieth Nunes
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| · Psychomotor ludic intervention in the building of operatory thought Santos, Solange R. M. Camargo dos; Oliveira, Vera Barros de
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Reviews |
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Obituary |
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| · Sergio Vilela Monteiro (*09/11/1923 - †04/05/2008)
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