Editorial |
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History of Psychology |
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| · Redeeming the memory of the patrons: Enjolras Vampré - Cadeira 38 (* 04/07/1885 - † 17/05/1938) Costa, Hebe C. Boa-Viagem A.
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| · Psychology of mediumship: from the intrapsychic to a psychosocial approach Zangari, Wellington; Maraldi, Everton de Oliveira
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| · Roles assigned to the family in the prodution of madness: some reflections Pegoraro, Renata Fabiana
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| · Psycho clinics and childhood care Monarcha, Carlos
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| · Contributions to the history of the psychology of teaching system at BVS-Psi regarding the patrons: João Cruz Costa and Enjolras Vampré Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M. de Queiroz e
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Theories, Researches and Case Studies |
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| · Resilience and stress control in judges and public servants Oliveira, Juliana Barros de; Lipp, Marilda Emannuel Novaes
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| · Symbiosis and psoriasis: a psychoanalytical study Azevedo, Guilherme Magnoler Guedes de; Neme, Carmen Maria Bueno
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| · The pain of becoming ill and of dying Carvalho, Maria Margarida M. J.
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| · Organizational culture and health: contributions from the work psychodynamic Peçanha, Dóris Lieth Nunes
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| · The interaction between parental practices and limbic sensitivity in determining chronic stress Benzoni, Paulo Eduardo; Lipp, Marilda Emannuel Novaes
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Reviews |
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