Editorial |
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| Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M. Q. |
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History of Psychology |
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| · A Historic-bibliographic study of verbal behavior evolution in B.F. Skinner's work Mesquita, Alex Andrade
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| · Validity evidences for the Evolutionary Profile of Indicators (PEI-Psychology) in students with Down syndrome within the context of inclusive education Pinheiro, Luan Tremante Esposito; Montiel, José Maria; Bartholomeu, Daniel; Castro, Natália Monaco de; Machado, Afonso Antonio
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| · The Minkowski's personal (lived) aspect as the diagnostical and methodological basis of the Phenomenon-Structural Psychopathology Faizibaioff, Danilo Salles; Antúnez, Andrés Eduardo Aguirre
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| · Playing in hospital toy libraries: support for children and their families Oliveira, Vera Barros de
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Theories, Researches and Case Studies |
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| · The Human Figure Drawing for intellectual assessment of illiterate adults Alves, Irai Cristina Boccato
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| · Play as an instrument for redeeming the day-to-day of a hospitalized child Lopes, Bruna Alves; Oliveira Junior, Constantino Ribeiro de; Oliveira, Vera Barros de
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| · Cyberbullying: the virtual to psychological area Schreiber, Fernando Cesar de Castro; Antunes, Maria Cristina
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| · Psychosocial dimensions of migration for the family Becker, Ana Paula Sesti; Borges, Lucienne Martins
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| · Difficulties in the process of school inclusion: perceptions of teachers and students with visual impairments in public schools Barros, Alessandra Belfort; Silva, Silvana Maria Moura da; Costa, Maria da Piedade Resende da
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| · Beliefs associated with the alcohol use in an alcoholic and in a non-alcoholic population Oliveira, Margareth da Silva; Azambuja, Ana Paula Rassier de; Santos, Ariane Peres dos
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| · A comparative study about mother-child interaction with groups of asthmatic, congenital heart disease and healthy children Peçanha, Dóris Lieth; Piccinini, César Augusto; Millar, William Stuart
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| · Stress vulnerability to stressing middle level technical students Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi; Bosshard, Claudete A. Garcia; Prudenciatti, Shaday Mastrangelo; Niquerito, Ana Vera
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| · Verification of the factorial hierarchical model of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) Formiga, Nilton S
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Books Reviews |
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| · Angelini, A. L. (2014). Memória da Psicologia: textos produzidos na segunda metade do século XX. São Paulo: Vetor Editora Lomônaco, José Fernando Bitencourt
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| · Dias, A e Oiticica, C.M. (2014) Piaget, J. A. Formação do símbolo na criança. Imitação, jogo, sonho, imagem e representação. Rio de Janeiro, LTC (original 1964). Vieira, Therezinha
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| · González Blasco, (2011). Humanizando a medicina: uma metodologia com o cinema. São Paulo: Centro Universitário; São Camilo - Setor de Publicação. ISBN 978-8587121-26-4 Janaudis, Marco Aurelio
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| · Giroa, C.F.A.R (org) (2014) Interdisciplinaridade: Saberes e fazeres. São Paulo: Cabral Editora Universitária. Nery, Prof. Dr.João Elias
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