Editorial |
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| Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl M. Q |
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Theories, Researches and Case Studies |
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| · The knowledge of letters' names and the beginning skills of spelling Barrera, Sylvia Domingos; Santos, Maria José dos
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| · The real meaning of Hiv/Sida in the life of kids and adolescents that live with the disease Miziara, Luciana Azevedo Fasciani; Andrade, Sônia Maria Oliveira De
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| · Down Syndrome and Art: contributions of Vygotsky Casarin, Sonia; Castanho, Marisa Irene Siqueira
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| · Meanings and influences of Facebook in the relational network of adults Sobrinho, Elizabele Maria; Antunes, Maria Cristina; Wanderbrook, Ana Claudia Nunes de Souza
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| · Father involvement in families of child with autistic spectrum disorder: contributions of the Bioecological Theory of Human Development Silva, Maria Luiza Iusten da; Vieira, Mauro Luís; Schneider, Daniela Ribeiro
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| · Family and welfare?: Exploring the relationship between family structure and satisfaction with the personal life of the families Salinas, Rodolfo J. Castro; Lind, Gustavo Riesco; Bobadilla, Ronal Arela
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| · The stressor impact of reconstructive surgery in primary caregivers of children with cleft lip and palate Razera, Ana Paula Ribeiro; Trettene, Armando dos Santos; Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi
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| · Empirical evidence of the Scale of Antisocial and Criminal Behaviors in Argentine teenagers Formiga, Nilton Soares; Souza, Marcos Aguiar de; Estevam, Ionara Dantas; Omar, Alicia
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| · Housed Mothers: accomodation sets in a general hospital as a way of humanization Rosa, Helena Rinaldi; Sant'Ana, Camila Fernanda; Abrão, Jorge Ferreira; Valente, Maria Luísa Louro de Castro
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| · Personality and organization: trends and prospects Paranzini, Marcelo; Kanaane, Roberto
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| · Proactive behavior in organizations: A performance analysis of Brazilian soccer clubs due to the constant changes of the technical committee Bento, Amilton; Silva, Narbal
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| · Aging meanings for public higher education institution servants Sá, Rosane Antunes de; Wanderbroocke, Ana Claudia N. S
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Books Reviews |
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| · AFFONSO, Carlos Rolim. Universidade, Fonte do Conhecimento (2015). São Paulo: Cultor de Livros, 141 pp. Câmara, Sergio Lucas
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| · TRINCA, Walter. Viagem ao coração do mundo: a apreensão da imaterialidade. São Paulo: Vetor, 2014. 176 p. Peçanha, Dóris Lieth
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| · MORAIS, J. (2013). Criar leitores - Para professores e educadores. Barueri, SP: Manole, 154 p. ISBN: 978-85-7868-077-0 Sargiani, Renan de Almeida
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| · GIORA, Regina Célia Amaro Faria (ccord.). Diversidade cultural e criatividade. Taubaté: Editora e Livraria Cabral Universitária, 2015. Amaral, Gustavo Rick
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Obituary |
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| · Norberto Abreu e Silva Neto (1944-2015) Gálvez, Jesús Padilla
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| · Prevenção da vida e promoção da Saúde, com ética e cidadania: Legado do Psicólogo Salomão Rabinovich (★24/02/45 - ✚11/01/16), exocupante da cadeira 9 da Academia paulista de Psicologia Affonso, Carlos Rolim
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