Editorial |
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| Oliveira, Vera Barros de |
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Theories, Researches and Case Studies |
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| · Stress in nursing professionals working in Emergency Care Units Trettene, Armando dos Santos; Ferreira, Jôse Aparecida Felipe; Mutro, Maria Eugênia Guerra; Tabaquim, Maria de Lourdes Merighi; Razera, Ana Paula Ribeiro
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| · Public policies impact on violence against women coping: implications to social community psychology Bigliardi, Adriana Maria; Antunes, Maria Cristina; Wanderbroocke, Ana Claudia N. S
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| · Family reintegration of children victims of intrafamily violence in institutional care protection action: sexual abuse in focus Barbosa, Vanir Maria Carneiro; Antunes, Maria Cristina; Padilha, Maria da Graça Saldanha
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| · Typically contemporary anomalous experiences and psychology: a literature review Martins, Leonardo Breno
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| · Group therapeutic accompaniment: an alternative in mental health França, Demétrius
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| · School violence: association with familiar violence, life satisfaction and internalizing symptoms Giordani, Jaqueline Portella; Dell'Aglio, Débora Dalbosco
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| · School psychology - the process of teacher training: a case study Tramonte, Angela Teresa Freneda da Silva; Kanaane, Roberto
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| · Study desk of children victims of sexual violence: evaluation of emotional indicators of commitment according to Cara, Anderson Tiago de; Neme, Carmen Maria Bueno
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| · Psychology of Death Course: Death Education in action Kovács, Maria Julia
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| · Caregivers' vulnerabilities in caring for hospitalized elderlies Cunha, Maria das Graças Felix da; Wanderbroocke, Ana Claudia N. S; Antunes, Maria Cristina
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| · Word reading and comprehension of sentences: a study with students of the 3rd grade of three elementary schools in the city of São Paulo Silva, Flávia Renata Alves da; Colli, Daniel; Machado, Márcia Di Santo de Melo; Maluf, Maria Regina
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| · The rhythmic nature of play and the emergence of symbolic manifestations Oliveira, Vera Barros de
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| · Leadership and organizational culture in family businesses: systemic and psychodynamic case study Coury, Cibele; Peçanha, Dóris Lieth
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Books Reviews |
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| · BOCCALANDRO, Marina Pereira Rojas (org). Transtorno de Ansiedade e Síndrome do Pânico - uma visão multidisciplinar, São Paulo: Manole, 2016. Bretas, Deborah
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| · WINDHOLZ, Margarida H. Passo a passo, seu caminho: guia curricular para o ensino de habilidades básicas. São Paulo: EDICON, 2016. 482 p. 2ª ed. rev. e amp. Camara, Sergio Lucas
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