Editorial |
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| Oliveira, Vera Barros de |
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Theories, Researches and Case Studies |
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| · Ethics of mercy: associations with psychology Paiva, Geraldo José de
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| · Research in indigenous communities: relationships of justice and equality Grubit, Sonia; Sordi, Ariana
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| · The psychodinamics and Ego defense mechanisms in women victims of violence Lucchese, Gabrielle dos Santos; Avoglia, Hilda Rosa Capelão; Silva, Patrícia Oliveira
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| · Clinical style being and doing: critical-propositional response to depersonalization and social suffering Aiello-Vaisberg, Tânia Maria José
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| · Human figure drawing test in children and adolescent victims of intrafamilial violence Tardivo, Leila Salomão de La Plata Cury
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| · Inclusion and social representations of teachers: a review of the literature Kitahara, Adil Margarete Visentini; Custódio, Eda Marconi
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| · Electronic games, violence and moral development Fernandes, Diego Moreira; Carramillo-Going, Luana; Lemos, Daisy Inocencia Margarida de; Avoglia, Hilda Rosa Capelão; Alves, Hélio
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| · Light and insight: about visual perception and communication's teaching Sakamoto, Cleusa Kazue; Lucio, Lazaro
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| · Personality traits and empathic abilities: a predictive study on medical students Aguiar, Camila Stor de; Formiga, Nilton S; Cantinilo, Amaury
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| · Theory of mind in adults: a narrative review of the literature Toledo, Juliane Alvarez de; Rodrigues, Marisa Cosenza
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Books Reviews |
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| · NASCIMENTO, Jarbas Vargas (org.) Misericórdia e Vida Acadêmica. São Paulo: EDUC, 2016, 153p. Camara, Sergio Lucas
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| · TRINCA,W. As múltiplas faces do self. São Paulo: Vetor Editora Psico- Pedagógica, 2016. Magalhães, Aracê Maria Magenta
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