| Table of contents Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. vol.39 no.96 São Paulo Jan./June 2019 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Oliveira, Vera Barros de
| | | Original Articles | | | | · The psychologist psychoanalyst in public health institutions in Brazil: a historical-epistemological perspective Nogueira-Vale, Eliana; Rodrigues, Avelino Luiz
| | | | · Domestic violence and religiosity in the experience of immigrant Brazilian women: perceptions of the psychologist of a Brazilian General Consulate in Portugal Neves, Beatriz de Sousa; Freitas, Marta Helena de; Santos, Luciana da Silva; Neto, Félix
| | | | · Activity, feelings and perceptions of women facing the aging process Cozzolino, Adna Sepulvida Maciel; Gatti, Ana Lúcia; Salles, Rodrigo Jorge
| | | | · Analysis of brief group intervention among depressed women in a psychology school clinic Silva, Lorrayne Caroline Garcia; Sei, Maíra Bonafé
| | | | · Prisoner's health overview: access difficulties to healthcare Dourado, Jakson Luis Galdino; Alves, Railda Sabino Fernandes
| | | | · Confirmatory analysis of the measure of organizational support in nurses of a public hospital in a capital city in the Brazilian Northeast Pereira, Gabriela Aguiar; Formiga, Nilton S.; Estevam, Ionara D.
| | | | · Production of meanings and actions on the work of Santa Catarina military police: an experience report Babolim, Daniela Alberton; Becker, Ana Paula Sesti; Guisso, Luciane
| | | | · Symptoms of depression in medical university students Aquino, Daniele Ramos de; Cardoso, Rodrigo Alves; Pinho, Lucinéia de
| | | | · Bioecological Analysis of Overweight and Obesity in Conversation Circles Pecora, Ana Tereza Lopes; Wanderbroocke, Ana Claudia Nunes de Souza; Antunes, Maria Cristina
| | | | · Psychological evaluation pre-bariatric surgery: the patient's experience Joaquim, Bianca Oliveira; Bassetto, Juliane Angelina; Castro, Mariana Pagano; Polli, Gislei Mocelin
| | | | · Playing as a facilitator of social interactions among children with Down Syndrome Jurdi, Andrea Perosa Saigh; Domingos, Marina Ramos; Panciera, Sara Del Prete
| | | | · Studies in psychology on death, mourning, religion and spirituality: a review brazilian literature Camara, Sergio Lucas; Bassani, Marlise A.
| | | Reviews | | | | · EMMANUEL NOVAES LIPP, M, FABBRO SPADARI, G (Orgs), TERAPIA RACIONAL-EMOTIVA COMPORTAMENTAL na teoria e na prática, Novo Hamburgo, Sinopsys Editora, 2019. Pivetta, Célia de F. Pravatta
| | | | · DE CARVALHO PACHECO BITTENCOURT, A.C; CAETANO DE ALMEIDA NETO, E; RODRIGUES, M.E; BRITO ARARIPE, N. Depressão - Psicopatologia e Terapia Analítico-Comportamental. 2ª.edIção, Curitiba: Juruá Editora, 2015. Sousa, José Francisco de
| | | Memory | | | | · Therezinha Fram, Cadeira 18 Pérez-Ramos, Aidyl Macedo Q.
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