Editorial |
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| · Editorial Oliveira, Vera Barros de
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Theories, research and experience report |
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| · On bilingualism in elderly people by Ellen Bialystok: a review of the articles published between 2012-2018 Andrade, Gabriel Sousa; Cristiano, Luana Breda; Secco, Genner Mateus; Toni, Plínio Marco de
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| · Spatio-temporal construction in human development: a structural analysis Oliveria, Vera Barros de
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| · Playing and school: a study of the ludic in the first year of elementary school Andreeta, Tiago Efrem; Going, Luana Carramillo; Sakamoto, Cleusa Zazue
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| · The teacher as a mediator in the development of students' leadership: psychosocial perspective Morina, Maria de Fátima; Kanaane, Roberto
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| · Place attachment and environmental satisfaction as predictors of well-being in children age 10-11 Rufato, Fabrício Duim; Favero, Eveline
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| · Emotional experiences of teenage pregnancy: between expectations and conflicts Silva, Graziela Vasconcelos da; Abrão, Jorge Luiz Ferreira
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| · Work and family relations of executives: executive coaching contributions Sinnott, Elizabeth Nery; Tagliamento, Grazielle
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| · A different perspective - professional guidance in Cuban Universities Basulto, Osmany Hernández; Berdut, C. Isel Ramírez; Ramírez, Leandrus Lázaro Hernández
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| · Social representations and eating disorders: systematic review Samuel, Ligia Ziegler; Polli, Gislei Mocelin
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| · Social and group factors that influence patients to regain weight after bariatric surgery Marchesini, Simone Dallegrave; Antunes, Maria Cristina
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| · The collective subject discourse of circular dance participants with low back pain Barreto, Juerila Moreira; Gomes, Andréa Patrícia Costa; Formiga, Nilton Soares; Farias, Mariana Vieira; Brito, Isabella Moreira Barreto Gomes de; Casarotto, Raquel Aparecida
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| · Aeronautical accidents and PTSD in flight crew Camera, Diana Soledade do Lago; Marques, Diego Ribeiro; Malagris, Lucia Emmanoel Novaes
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| · Spirituality / Religiosity and Mental Health in Brazil: a review Monteiro, Daiane Daitx; Reichow, Jeverson Rogério Costa; Sais, Elenice de Freitas; Fernandes, Fernanda de Souza
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Reviews |
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| · Sakamoto, C. K. & Andreucci Júnior, S.J. (Orgs.) (2019). Estudos sobre a criatividade: comunicação e inovação em debate. São Paulo: Gênio Criador Avoglia, Hilda Rosa Capelão
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| · Trinca, Walter. (2019). Uma imagem pelo mundo. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blucher Ltda Magalhães, Aracê Maria Magenta
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Memory |
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| · Aprender e suas significações Re- Macedo, Lino de
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| · Academia Paiva, Geraldo José de
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