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I. Theories, Research and Case Studies |
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| · Psychological study of the diagnostic process and psychotherapy in depression and anxiety through structural-phenomenon analysis: case studies Perches, Tatiana Hoffmann Palmieri; Antúnez, Andrés Eduardo Aguirre
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| · Therapeutic Group Accompaniment: Argentine and Brazilian experiences França, Demétrius Alves de; Frank, Maria Laura
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| · The representation of time lived in symbolic play Oliveira, Vera Barros de
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| · Lipp's Stress Control Training: An Integrative Literature Review Cavalcanti, Ana Luísa da Silva Ramalho; Bagarollo, Maria Fernanda; Lipp, Marilda E. Novaes; Constantini, Ana Carolina
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| · Stress level in addicted people under treatment in therapeutic communities Miranda, Jessica Cardoso; Guimarães, Claudiane Aparecida
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| · Regulatory fit theory: psychological mechanism with potential applications in health Costa, Adriano da Silva
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| · Psychological attention to the surgical patient: report of experience from the point of view of humanization of health Souza, Adriano de; Becker, Ana Paula Sesti; Guisso, Luciane; Bobato, Sueli Terezinha
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| · Perceptions of mothers with alexithymic functioning about motherhood and the baby with functional somatic symptom Stein, Luciana Letícia; Donelli, Tagma Marina Schneider
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| · Adolescence and self-harm: a comprehensive and interventive Psychodiagnostic proposal Chaves, Gislaine; Tardivo, Leila Salomão de La Plata Cury; Rosa, Helena Rinaldi; Pinto Júnior, Antônio Augusto
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| · Psychology in psychiatric nursery in a general hospital Oliveira, Gabriela Eustáquio; Faria, Tayna Benko; Pereira, Tatiane Guimarães
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| · A psychodynamic understanding of obesity in post-bariatric patients Gil, Aline Cordeiro dos Santos; Lima, Karyne Santiago; Carvalho, Mônica Gurjão; Medeiros, Danuta
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| · Social representations of overweight and obesity: systematic review Couss, Angelita; Borba, Gabrielly de Mello Prado; Silva, Luana Martins Pinheiro da; Scopel, Manoella Vieira de Medeiros; Polli, Gislei Mocelin
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II. Books Reviews |
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| · Boccalandro, Marina. (2020). Qualidades Positivas: benefícios para sua vida. São Paulo: Paco Editorial Carrieri, Cristina
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III. Memory |
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| · Aidyl Macedo de Queiroz Pérez-Ramos, in hospitals, deserts and academies Peçanha, Doris Lieth
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