Editorial |
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| Kupfer, M.Cristina |
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Dossie |
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| · Lugar de vida, 10 anos depois Kupfer, M. Cristina M.; Oliveira, Lina Galletti Martins de; Guglielmetti, Marize Lucila
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| · What is about? Coriat, Elsa
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| · The construction of the other and the writing of pedro Hanff, Daniela; Petri, Renata
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| · The"presence-absence" in play with psychotic and authistic children Guglielmetti, Marize Lucila
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| · A place of stores Jardim, Gislene do Carmo
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| · Atelier: creaton place Vasconcello, Flavia
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| · The subject and the deficiency Brauer, Jussara Falek
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Articles |
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| · The shadow of school failure: psychology and educational practices Souza, Maria Cecilia Cortez Christiano de
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| · Desire and learning of the child: the knowledge as a possible phallic meaning Almeida, Sàndra Francesca Conte de
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| · Parents at school: one more result from the function psychoanalysis and education Fragelli, Ilana Katz Zagury
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| · The invention of the psychoanalysis child of: from sigmund freud to melanie klein Corso, Diana Myriam Lichtenstein
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Institutional Experience |
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| · About the derdic clinic Vorcaro, Angela
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Transmitting |
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| · (PSYCHO)pedagogy, psychoanausis and education: an introductory class Lajonquière, Leandro de
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Review |
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| · Cuadernos de pedagogía rosario: Revista do Centro de Estudios en Pedagogía Crítica Rosario (Argentina) Revah, Daniel
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