Editorial |
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Dossie |
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| · Between the educational and the therapeutical-some question on therapeutic follow-up in primary schools Fraguas, Vendiana; Berlinck, Manoel Tosta
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| · The psychoanalyst role at school Cohen, Ruth Helena Pinto; Lessa, Cristiane Fiaux; Melo, Daisy Christine; Cohen, Gisella; Sias, Márcia Denise Dutra; Serafim, Oziléia Glen Gomes; Alves, Rachel Tinoco Marinho; Abecassis, Rodrigo
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| · School as an inheritor of parents functions Martins, Valéria Aguiar Carneiro
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| · Morality, ethics and school inclusion Freller, Cintia Copit
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| · Impasses lived by the teacher in the inclusion Bastos, Marise Bartolozzi
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| · Educate for sympathy: is it possible to donate willingness? Mitsumori, Nanci Miyo; Amâncio, Valéria
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Articles |
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| · The approach of intelligence in psychoanalysis and in developmental psychology Zemmour, Norbert; Fourment-Aptekman, Marie-Claude
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| · The clinic of infantile psychosis: impasses and inventions Bernardino, Leda Mariza Fischer
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| · Adolescence depression and lived time: an approach to borincness Bidaud, Eric
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| · Perceptions from the consultation room: the psychoanalyst and his/her own experience of learning Rodulfo, Ricardo
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| · Teenagers histories on circus ring: fraternal lace, delinquency and psychosis Faria, Carina Arantes; Beisiegel, Mariana de Mello
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| · Fraternal function and primary scene Felippi, Maria Cristina Poli
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Fundamentals |
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| · Paranoia incidences in the construction of the lacanian theory Lima, Christiano Mendes de
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Review |
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| · M. h.s. patto. Mutações do cativeiro: Escritos de psicologia e política. São Paulo, SP: Hacker/Edusp, 2000 Santos, Leandro Alves Rodrigues dos
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